Credits to CC_Alpha  (From WattPad) for making me finish up this story

He stepped backwards and yelled out a cry before slamming his spear in a horizontal strike, slamming into me. I flew to the sidelines and slammed into a tree. The battle was not going well. The Demeter cabin was arrayed around the backlines, growing wary of the attacks but still holding on. The nereids were all nearly destroyed, forcing them to hide in the water. The dryads were running around, trying to put the fire out of the trees. The satyrs were falling backwards, slowly but they were falling back. I groaned. "See how useless it is? Surrender!" Hyperion pointed out. I grimaced but didn't speak back. I raised Dentro and stood up steadily. I yelled a battle cry after that, charging Hyperion once again. This time however I pulled the vines out of the ground first, before engaging with the Titan of the West. I started to summon different types of smaller vines that crawled up my legs and over my body. The vines are giving me energy and healing my wounds. Hyperion laughed at my foolishness. Idiot. The vines suddenly lurched forward as I felt the tugging sensation in my gut and they slammed into a dismayed Hyperion. They started to surround him, creating and putting him in a cocoon before I finally made it to him. The fighting stopped as everyone looked towards me, I raised Dentro, "You lost this war. Enjoy Tartarus." I snarled and stabbed him in the chest. He screamed and tried to escape, only for him to burst into flames. I stepped closer, ignoring the screams of protest in my body and drove Dentro towards his heart and finally he burst into golden dust. I staggered backwards, the pain finally being delivered into me. My clothes were in tatters, my skin was burning red, finally I started to lose consciousness as our head councilor shouted out a battle cry before charging.


I charged through the streets. People were on the sides of the roads, sleeping. I could hear cries of battle but I ignored them as I kept charging through. Perses, the Titan of Destruction, is currently moving through the streets, heading for a side attack. I mentally cursed but kept quiet. We are losing on all sides so far. I pulled out my dual swords, Techno and Maelstrom, and kept moving through the streets. Finally when I turned on a corner, I saw Perses. "Hey, Big Head!" I taunted and he turned towards me and made eye contact. He was a 7 foot Titan, black and red armor was all on him. Heavy armor but I doubt that slows him down. He carried a 4 foot longsword, his eyes were pure red, destruction and rage red. Obviously. He laughed at me, "Little hero! You can't stop the inevitable." He declared, I scoffed, "The inevitable would not be the defeat of us, the defeat would be you. Titan." I drawed out the word, titan, like venom. He just laughed, "Come then! Fight me while you can. Currently you are being attacked by 3 sides. You can't even fall back behind the doors, You Lost." He promised. I ignored the Titan and charged. He swung his sword and I made a block to it. Wrong choice. The moment my sword made contact with his, my arm suddenly felt a thrust of pain before I dropped my sword. Ah....yes I remember now. I can't match a Titan with strength alone. "Idiot!" I muttered under my breath. The Titan just laughed before swinging again. This time I dived forward, jumping straight towards his gut. He sidestepped and I fell onto my face. I groaned but rolled onto my feet as the Titan of Destruction swung once again. Water started to swirl around me as I used my powers. I haven't used this power since the Talos incident. I may have....stolen...a toy. Water swirled around my sword but I tried to conserve my energy, we wouldn't have time to rest. The final battle is coming here, the gods are fighting Typhon and who knows when he will get here. A storm started to appear above me as I swirled with the power of a hurricane. Water flew around me but I stood up, raindrops falling onto me and giving me energy and healing. My left arm now doesn't feel too bad as I step forward. "You already lost! Hyperion is moving through central park, Lucas is holding him off, Kronos is moving to the north of the Empire State Building, Bianca and Nico are holding them off, the Lydian Drakon is moving through the South, that girl, Clarisse is holding it off. You already lost!" Perses announced. My heart stopped before beating even faster, "Spies. Stupid spies." I yelled out as that is my battle cry before charging. He barely managed to block my first strike as he stepped back onto his backfoot. I swung my sword once again and he blocked it before trying a swing of his own. The water suddenly lurched forward, making it into a fist and grabbing his sword, pulling it out of his grasp. He glared daggers at me before just throwing a punch. I swung my sword and it made contact against his fist. Suddenly an explosion blew up Perses and me. I screamed in pain as my whole front side exploded as the 2 duelers were blown across the field. I groaned and lifted up Maelstrom....only to see it was destroyed. My eyes widened, I used this sword for a long's just...destroyed. I growled and suddenly my other sword appeared. Great timing dude. I thought but pulled out Techno. Perses was around 30 feet away from me, his whole left side was destroyed. I smirked in satisfaction before moving forward. "So...The Titan of Destruction finally ends." I reported before decapitating the Titan. He turned into golden dust but I didn't spend any time relishing my victory. I ran through the streets, towards the North side. However soon I appeared on the South side, confused but realization dawned on me. Clarisse was currently holding her electrical spear, facing off against the 100 foot drakon. She yelled out a challenge before charging towards it. The drakon turned towards her before shooting acid, which she dodged and with agility, she started glowing. Her body turned white, like a pure nova, pure energy as she charged straight towards the drakon. She jumped on its back as it reared but Clarisse, somehow, someway, moved towards the eye calmly. Clarisse suddenly screamed, "For Ares!" Before slamming her spear into the dragon's eye. It screeched in pain as thousands of bolts of electricity arched through its body. Clarisse's spear, Maimer, or Lamer is what people call behind her back, broke apart and exploded. Clarisse just calmly jumped off before pulling out a sword and charging towards the monster army. Sometimes she can be utterly terrifying. Mental note : Don't get on Clarrise's bad side. Suddenly a flash of silver flew across my head and hit a monster. Zoe and the Hunters are defending the South. I nodded to no one in particular before charging towards the North. I started contemplating on what to do, we are losing on all sides. We destroyed the main forces so far but the army is still moving, they are going to overwhelm us. I made it to the other side to see Kronos leading an army. He was wearing the same clothes as I last saw him in, except this time he doesn't have flip flops on. Kronos really sometimes needs to grow up and get with the present. The army was sweeping around, being blocked by the army of 200 dead. Nico and Bianca must be busy. Black arrows sprouted out of armor and helmets, no doubt Bianca's doing. I turned towards the side Lucas was on, the whole forest was on fire. I grumbled under my breath before running around. Bianca suddenly appeared on my side, "We are losing the front lines!" she shouted, "Where were you, and Lucas?" she demanded. "They are attacking on all sides. Lucas is currently in Central Park I think , Clarisse and the Hunt are guarding the South. We are losing the West side." She growled under her breath but suddenly there was a horn. It echoed through the battle, everyone stopped. Crud. I thought before turning towards the monster army, they also seemed to be confused. No reinforcements I hope, I mean, reinforcements for us, not them. 3 more horns sounded through the cries of battle before hundreds, around 200, centaurs appeared, charging into battle. "Yes! The Party Ponies!" I shouted out, reinforcements have arrived. Chiron suddenly appeared on my side, "Sorry we're late." He apologized, and I nodded, "It's okay." Chiron smiled but it soon faded, "Report." he ordered, "The South is being held by the Ares cabin, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Clarisse, and the Hunt. The East is being held with all the other cabins. The Central park is being held by Lucas, the Demeter cabin, dryads, nereids, nymphs, and satyrs. The north side is being held by the dead and now the party ponies." I recounted. Chiron sighed in relief but I knew it was short lived. The Titan army was too big. If Lucas fails, or any side fails, we all have to pull back. The Party Ponies clashed with the Titan army, they started falling but holding their ground. "We won't win." I murmured, "Yes we will!" Bianca instantly interjected. I grimaced but bit my tongue. "Go." I charged along with Bianca, our swords out. I cursed Perses, he destroyed Maelstrom, now I only have Techno. Bianca pulled out her sword, she says quote 'Why do people name their swords? Stupid.' I internally laughed but it was short lived as Bianca and my back connected and we destroyed the monsters that came towards us. I stabbed a hellhound in the eyes, I quickly pulled out Techno before doing a diagonal strike to the left-up and cutting down another one. The hellhounds suddenly stepped back and empousi appeared. "Hello." They tried to charmspeak me. I shook my head out of my thoughts, I already like one girl. And that girl is the girl behind me. Bianca Di Angelo. I just decapitated one and they all turned towards me. "You killed my friend!" They shouted in unison. Now that is terrifying. Soon there were 4 angry empousi's turning into their divine form and charing. I quickly cut one in half before I was about to sidestep but realized, Bianca is right behind me. I blocked her strike but another one came forward and tried to stab me with its talons. I quickly swung my sword, cutting a small cut on 2 of their arms. They growled in response before the third one charged. I quickly stabbed it into the skull and the 3rd empousi disappeared. I turned towards the last 2. "You lost." I promised before cutting their heads off their shoulders. I sighed in relief but that ended when a Cyclops stepped forward and swung its club. Bianca suddenly tackled me to the ground as we ducked under the swing. We crumpled to the ground as half blood tried to stab me. I blocked his strike before slamming my hilt of the sword into his guts, before standing up and slamming it into his forehead. He crumpled as Bianca also got up and stabbed a dracanae. Suddenly my surroundings finally came into focus, "Fall back!" I shouted but it was quickly drowned as the Titan army charged through Central Park. Lucas failed. Bianca turned around and her eyes widened before she grabbed my arm and we disappeared into the shadows. We reappeared in the Empire State Building to see Rachel, along with some archers, trying to guard the Southside with arrows. "Guys! FALL BACK!" I shouted but it didn't work. I turned towards Bianca as a last resort but she was also stumped. I sighed before holding out my hand, I just now realised that it was all cut up and bloody, most likely from the explosion of a destroyed sword, water vapor suddenly appeared and it turned into a horn. Bianca looked at me confusedly before I put it to my lips. I blew it as the horn sounded through the battle. It was a soft horn, a soft but powerful horn. The battle stopped as everyone was quiet before I screamed out in the top of my lungs, "FALL BACK TO THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!" The demigods on our side quickly rushed towards the building as the Titan army was confused before realizing that the whole demigod army was turning their backs onto you. They charged forward but another horn was sounded as 2 chariots appeared. The first one holding an olive skinned man, wearing full battle armor, a sword, and a helmet that radiated pure fear. Beside him was a girl, she was holding out her hands and she was in green robes. The last one was purely made up of vines. A woman was on it, green robes just like the one standing beside the man. Hades, Persephone, and Demeter. "Today, the House of Hades would be the saviors of Olympus!" Hades promised. An earthquake appeared in an instant, cracks were made as thousands of skeletons, zombies, or any dead stood up from the ground. The Titan army shifted uneasily. "Percy!" someone cried out before I turned towards Lucas. He was holding out his sword, Dentro, "Sorry that I failed." He apologized, I nodded, "You held out. That is good." I agreed but Kronos was not amused. "The Dead are no match for us!" He slammed his scythe down onto the ground and a black light illuminated around the Empire State Building. "He's decreasing the size of the barrier!" Rachel cried out as Nico appeared in the front lines shouting and barking orders to the dead. Hades' eyes widened as he slammed his chariot into the barrier, only for it to stop him. He shot a pure black energy beam towards it but it deflected the blast. Mortals started to wake up and scream as they saw the thousands of soldiers fighting. No doubt they see something. Kronos suddenly appeared beside me and the others. "Gu-" I tried to shout out before I was slammed backwards with Kronos' scythe. The 5 of us were blasted back towards the wall as we slammed into it. Kronos smiled before disappearing up the elevator. I groaned, "We need to go." I declared, we all stood up and ran to the elevator, the wind whistling as the clash of battle happened. "Rachel, stay down here and lead." I ordered, "No! I'm coming with you." she declared but we turned towards her, "You can't. I'm sorry, but you need to stay here." Bianca responded sternly. Rachel tried to protest, "What about Lucas?" Lucas nodded, "I'm going." Bianca and I watched the argument. "You can--" she was cut off by Lucas grabbing her chin and smashing his lips against hers. Bianca and my face turned pink and Rachel's eyes widened and Lucas pulled away, "Sorry. I had to do that." Rachel stood there, dumbstruck and shocked as the 3 demigods ran into the elevator and left. The last sight of the bottom world was Rachel, staring at the wall, mouth agape and eyes wide. I chuckled softly as Lucas' face turned red. "Sorry. I just...had to do that." He covered up, "I might not survive this final battle." he whispered. I clasped a hand on his shoulder, "You are going to survive." I reassured him. HIs expression softened as he gripped Dentro tightly in his hand, making his knuckles turn white. The elevator was barely even a dim light, it was completely white and red. Weird but no one argued. The elevator tunes were "Green Day", courtesy of Apollo. I made a mental note to slap the god of music later. Soon the elevator stopped as we stepped out. Olympus was completely golden, lights shimmered but this time, instead of the light shimmering brightly, it was a bit more dull. Weapons and armor of minor gods and godlings were on the ground, they tried to stop Kronos. I made a mental note to honor all of them. The buildings were completely destroyed, shrines, statues, were crumpled. We exchanged glances and ran towards the throne room. Climbing up the horrid stairs. Lucas was fidgeting with his sword nervously, I'll have to ask him what's wrong alter. Wait. No doubt he's nervous. I mentall face palmed at my stupidity but we kept running. The Olympus throne room doors were completely destroyed or opened. Whatever the term is it was destroyed. We entered and immediately we felt the aura of power, "Which one shall I destroy first?" Kronos mused. I pulled out Techno and leveled it as Bianca pulled out her bow. "Hey, Gramps!" Lucas and I shouted in unison. He turned towards us and his eyes flickered from blue to back to gold. "Ah. Yes. I was wondering when you would come." he snarled, "Sorry man! You just blew us up." Lucas pointed out. We were stalling and we knew it. Unfortunately Kronos also knew it and he just laughed. "Come little godlings. Let's end this here!" Lucas soon charged Kronos. Idiot! I mentally screamed as I also charged. Bianca shot arrows but they just hit Kronos' skin and nothing happened. Kronos just laughed, "Why won't you use your sword? Luke was always better with a sword. Unless you don't possess a simple skill a demigod has!" I was taunted. Kronos' eyes flared before he smirked in satisfaction and his sword turned into Luke's old one. Blackbiter. Lucas was the first to engage with the Titan. I tried to help but was immediately met with a swing from Kronos. Man. This Titan possessed lots of skills. Lucas and I kept blocking strike after strike after strike. Kronos just kept a smile on his face, when I realized. He's just playing with us. I pressed harder and harder until he finally blocked a strike and Lucas swung but it hit his ribs, making no damage. Kronos' eyes flared, "Back!" He slammed his sword into the ground as I flew backwards, slamming into Bianca and we went crumpling down. Lucas was on his own. Realization dawned on his face and my eyes widened. He charged Kronos and managed to block one of his strikes. I tried to sit up but I realized that Kronos just simply paused time around Bianca and I. So we were basically on top of each other. Kronos smiled his sinister, evil, smile before he blocked one of Lucas' strikes and plunged his sword into Lucas' chest. "NOOO!" Bianca screamed but Kronos smirked in satisfaction as he pulled out his sword. Lucas' face turned pale as he turned towards us. Tears were threatening to come out of my eyes. I hated these moments. Where the player who is about to die says their last words. Simple like that. I hate these moments. "I--I'm sorry." he stammered out before falling to the side. Dropping his sword in the process as his face turned pale white. A deathly pale white. Blood made a pool around him as Bianca cried out, "H--he's dead." My eyes turned murderous as I stood up but instantly Kronos just paused time once again and walked towards the 2 demigods. "You already lost. Behold." he waved his hand and a mist image appeared. It showed a tornado but I already knew that it was a Typhoon. They were preparing to cross the Hudson river, it was clean now thanks to me and that sand dollar. Typhon's face kept turning into multiple monsters after monsters, so I refused to look at his head. Chariots flew around him, grass blew around. A lightning bolt suddenly exploded on the top of Typhon's ugly, misshapen, head and he only staggered before straightening himself. "The Olympians are giving their final effort. How cute." Kronos mused and once Typhon stepped into the water, a horn was blown. A horn that I knew, the Call of the Ocean. Water exploded around Typhon as a new chariot appeared. Poseidon holding his honor of weapon, his Trident. HIs chariot was completely ocean blue, it's shaped like waves going onto the shore. Beside him stood Amphitrite and behind him proudly stood Triton. The prince and heir to the throne. He deserves it. "Attack my brethren!" Poseidon shouted out as he threw his spear into Typhon. The father of monsters staggered as blood actual ichor was leaking out of his armor. Shadows started to appear around Typhon, vines whipped around. No doubt Hades and Demeter are there along with Peresphone. They knew they couldn't attack the monster army so they were dealing with Typhon. Vines, the sizes of 20 feet wide slammed into Typhon, making him stagger back as both Poseidon and Hades stood side by side. The brothers. They each used their domains, Poseidon used his earthshaker domain to open a hole under Typhon and since Hades is the god of the underworld, and basically earth, a hole appeared underneath Typhon as he fell into the deepest pits of Tartarus. "No!" Kronos shouted in fury before swiping a hand through the image. He turned towards Bianca and I, "Now." he started but his time spell wore off as I charged towards him with newborn vigor. I slashed and stabbed but he didn't even get into my guard as I couldn't get into his. I saw the body of Lucas and I fought with newborn vigor. I thought of all the times, all the people I would be protecting. My father. Hades, the father of 2 of my best friends. All innocent despite sometimes evil mortals. All the demigods who deserve peace. Lucas and Rachel, a wave of grief went through my body and it powered me even more as I fought harder and harder. Kronos and I were both on the offensive. I growled but suddenly dropped to the floor and rolled under his arm. I made a wild slash at his rib cage, but it did nothing. I saw Kronos grimace in pain as I realized that his weak spot is on his left side, under his armpit and on the side. My eyes widened but I instantly narrowed my eyes. I had to hide that I knew his spot. I started wildly slashing at him and finally I managed a swing to his side, cutting 5 inches under his armpit. His eyes widened once my sword made contact with his mortal anchor, his mortal point. "Argh!" He bellowed in pain as his eyes turned red fire, my sword sunk deeper into his side and my eyes widened. I quickly pulled out my sword and retracted it back into its ring form as Kronos exploded. Luckily I am invulnerable and Bianca was too far away for damage to deal some real damage to her. Unluckily for me I could feel my Achilles Curse disappear. Soon Kronos staggered forward, his eyes were blue, Luke blue, a ball of black energy laid off to the side. I felt weak...vulnerable. Suddenly I looked back towards Lucas, his body on the ground. Tears welled up in my eyes and I started my way over to him. Staggering more like it. Bianca rushed forward, she was stuck in her time spell, and helped me up. "You. I swear, Percy. I swear to you." she started but suddenly rushed forward and left me in the dust. She ran towards the fallen body of Lucas and knelt by his side. Hestia appeared by the hearth and walked forward sadly. I stepped forward and crumpled to my knees, looking at the dead body of Lucas. I sighed, "He's gone." I whispered. Suddenly 16 gods burst through the doors, weapons out and expecting a fight. What they saw was the dead body of Luke and Lucas. The L's. I just now realised that as I softly chuckled but it was painful. Demeter's eyes made eye contact with Lucas as her eyes widened. "What happened!" she demanded and ran forward. She gingerly touched the body as the rest of the gods were shocked. Soon afterwards the demigods appeared, bursting through the doors just like their parents. Like father or mother, like son or daughter. Rachel finally came in, she was bleeding over the head, her hair stained with her blood but she didn't seem to care. Nico also decided to burst in on that exact moment, he looked worse. His face was pale, he was sweating but he must've been using overexertion. Their eyes landed on Lucas and Nico gasped as Rachel rushed forward and knelt by Lucas' side. Screw Luke, is what most of the people thought. "Pack up, ceremony." Zeus announced. Rachel gingerly touched Lucas' face as tears fell from her face. Bianca pulled her in and hugged her, softly as Rachel cried in her shoulder, one of her hands around Bianca and the other holding Lucas' hand. "It is done." I announced, standing up.

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