
I woke up in the coach. Now come on! Percy's literally moved me. My senders started to move and I felt a tingle on my forehead. I blushed a deep shade of red, Percy kissed me goodnight. I grinned at that and ran into the bathroom. I started to shower and think about what happened. Percy defended Nico and I. I stepped out of the shower and got my clothes on. Percy and I held hands on the way to the cabin. I finished brushing my teeth. Percy and I put Nico to sleep. I leave the bathroom. Percy kisses my forehead goodnight. I smiled at the still sleeping Nico and walked out of the room and out of the cabin. The sun was around the edge of the horizon, so it's roughly sunrise and around 7:00. I walked over to the beach to watch it but I saw someone there. I ran into the bushes and peeked over to see Percy and surrounding him was water. The water was going around Percy, each line circling around him. He pulled out his sword Techno and the water suddenly surrounded it. He grinned at that and I decided to jump out. "Hey! Perce." He looked at me and looked at his sword again which hurt me but I decided just to watch him from afar. I sat down, crossed, and watched Percy create water out of thin air. Suddenly I was drenched, "Hey!" I shouted and he grinned, another water ball was blasted towards me and hit my face, drenching it even more. "You are going to regret that. Nemesis helps me get revenge!" I shouted and his eyes widened. I tackled him into the sand. He started laughing and shoved me off of himself. "Sorry Bi, gotta go!" He blasted my face with water and I yelled at him, "Cheater!" I soon was instantly dry and I chased after him, laughing uncontrollably. The horn sounded for breakfast and Percy came over. "Come on. Nico might still be asleep." He ran to the cabin and I followed on his heels. He peeked in the doorway and I saw his mischievous grin. He walked inside and I followed. He created a water ball and threw it at Nico, drenching everything but the bed. Nico stood up, "Oh you are going to regret that." Percy just laughed, "Come on Nico. I already got my cards, go ahead and get yours." Nico's face brightened and Percy made him dry. He ran over and grabbed his collection of Myth O' Magic and the boys both walked back to the pavilion. I stood on Percy's left while Nico was on his right. Once we walked in everyone was staring at us. Percy looked up, "Don't be stalkers." Everyone looked down at their food, red faces with embarrassment. We walked over to the seat and Nico and Percy sat on opposite ends. I ordered some cereal and watched Percy and Nico play. Nico won all the games by the time I finished breakfast. "Campers and Hunters, in 5 hours is the Capture the Flag game. Good luck!" The campers all cheered while the Hunters just ignored it. "We'll show them right, Perce?" Nico said. Percy just said, "Maybe. I'll strategize." Percy stood up, "I need each of the cabin counselors to discuss strategies." A hunter snickered and said "Like you need one." All the Hunters burst out laughing but Percy ignored them. "Come on." Percy sat down and one person from each table stood up and walked over to the Poseidon table. Theo tried sitting next to me but Silena sat there first and Beckendorf sat beside Selina. "Alright, here's the plan. Annabeth, I'll need you to confirm. We will need the Ares cabin to get into testudo and move forward through the middle of the woods. The Hunters won't be able to fight against heavily armored people so they'll try to rush our flag." Everyone nodded, "We will need the whole Hermes cabin to rush to the enemy flag along with the Apollo cabin to give them firing aid. The rest of the cabins would be defending. Beckendorf and the Hephaestus cabin would be placing trip wires in the trees and the floor, they won't expect hundreds of random wires in the trees, they'll expect traps and a couple of trip wires." I grinned at Percy and Annabeth nodded their heads. "Theo you just go run to the enemy flag, your motif would be flexing once you get it." I will build a barrier of water around the flag so they can't shoot arrows. They'll have to walk through the Barrie and the rest of the cabins would be in the barrier, guarding it. How does that sound? Enough bodies and the hunters wouldn't be able to break through that small area. I'll also make it look like the flag is in the middle of our defending forces, the hunters will be jumping on bodies. By the way, there would be injuries." Everyone nodded, "Annabeth?" Annabeth looked at Percy, "It could work," her voice lacing with pride. "Alright tell your cabins what to do, if they question just say, 'Rules are rules, duties are duties' then they would shut up most likely." The whole table cheered and smirked mischievously at the Hunters. The hunters just laughed while the campers just stared. I slapped Percy's head and he yelped. "See little Nico! We will win." Nico just shook his head up and down. "Campers rule, Hunters drool!" Nico yelled. The campers followed the cheer while the hunters were fuming. Percy slapped the back of Nico's head and Nico turned to him. Percy's eyes widened and Nico tackled him out of the pavilion. I burst out laughing. Hugging my sides I was laughing. At the time of the game. The campers all knew what their cabin should do. "Remember what to do!" The campers and I all got in positions. "Whoever rather uses a bow, get some smoke arrows and fly into the trees. When the hunters arrive, fire at the water barrier and hide our position!" I ran over and hopped into a tree, hiding myself in a shadow. At least 20 campers are defending and there are 6 archers. Percy raised his hand and a water line coming from his hand blasted a circle around the campers surrounding the flag on the ground. Percy raised his hands and the water barrier surrounded it. The campers and I watched in awe. "Blue team is Camp Half-Blood vs the Hunters! The first to get the flag from the other side wins! Minimal maiming and no killing! The creek is the boundary line. GO!" The Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus and Theo all ran to the trees. The Hephaestus cabin started placing as many hidden tripwires as possible. The Ares cabin got into a testudo and under Clarisse's lead, marched through the middle of the woods and disappeared. Shouts and fighting could be heard but soon the first Hunter came. She knocked out the person beside me but didn't notice me. I frowned at this...oh wait! I almost forgot my dad is Hades. I smirked and pulled out my sword. I slammed the hilt of it on the girl's head, effectively knocking her out. I sheathed the sword and stepped back into the shadows. Soon another Hunter appeared but tripped into the open, cursing. The arrows were fired while she was getting up, she fell down after being smacked by an arrow with a boxing glove. I looked behind me and saw the testudo passing the creek while arrows and fighting occurred. The main force of the hunters are defending. I saw Hermes and Apollo campers knocked out throughout the woods. I don't see Theo but he is most likely a porcupine by now. There were Hermes and Apollo kids around the enemy flag. At least 12 were knocked out. There were around 10 left riding and 8 Ares campers in the testudo. Patience. We are going to win. That's when it all went wrong, the entire testudo was suddenly surrounded by orange mist. Coughing and wheezing can be heard. When it finished all of the campers were choking, "Fart arrows!" Clarisse yelled before running towards the flag. The rest of the Ares campers decided that the testudo was useless for fart arrows. They started running to the flag. Half of them immediately got pelted by silver arrows and fell. I cursed and concentrated. Hades taught me to shadow travel, I concentrated on appearing right behind the Hunters flag and right on the other side of the creek. It worked. I appeared behind the Hunters flag, knocking out the 2 guards. Arrows soon fired at me but I already grabbed the flag and teleported away. I appeared on the other side of the creek and slammed the flag into the ground. The whole camp cheered and suddenly Percy was beside me. He put my shoulder, "Congratulations." I smiled at him and hugged him. Nico suddenly ran forward screaming that we won. Nico ran and tackled me into a hug. I smiled at him. Percy just grinned at us. Theo suddenly appeared and grabbed the flag, "I got it!" I just stared at him and laughed, "At least I don't have to get the attention." Percy just grinned and picked up Nico on his shoulders. "Master Nico! Where do you want-" Perf was tackled in a hug by Annabeth, almost pushing him over. "You did it!" Percy frowned, "The others did as much work as I did. I just made the plan and followed my duties." I felt a strong tugging in my chest and realized it was jealousy. Percy disentangled Annabeth from himself. Suddenly everyone gasped. Something is coming forward. Chiron came over but his eyes widened, "it...never leaves the attic." A granny suddenly appears and turns straight to Zoe. "I am the Oracle of Delphi, Slayer of Python. Come speaker and ask." Zoe stepped forward, "What must I do to save my lady?" Everyone frowned at this, Artemis has been captured? Suddenly a must image appeared over the Oracle's head showing Artemis in chains. The hunter all gasped, the game of Capture the Flag forgotten. Luckily that meant Percy doesn't have any silver arrows in himself. I sighed in internal breath and the Oracle opened its mouth. 

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