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The peaceful gloom of the night slowly washes away as a bright ball of pure light rises upon the horizon, licking the green earth with tongues of yellow, orange, and pink. The clouds disperse to fill the pastures with more of that warm goodness. In response, the birds begin their daily singsong, complementing the surreal painting one can find outside their window each morning. The sheer curtains in the bedroom seem to become thinner and thinner as the sun travels up into the sky, filling the room with liquid gold more and more as each minute passes. It's a natural alarm system that has existed since the dawn of time, one that will slowly awaken even those that claim to be the deepest of sleepers. However, some individuals try to fight the raging sun, roll over onto the opposite shoulder, or pull up their duvets over their heads to block some of the sun's rays.

Though Louis Tomlinson is one of those individuals, he is not anywhere near the glorious scene some have the luxury of living with each day. In fact, in Louis' case, there are several stark differences from the above description: no silky curtains are framing the windows, no duvet covers to curl into, no birds chirping in the distance, and the only green is from the moss and mold growing in the corner of his living quarters due to excess moisture. In replacement is pure darkness, a thin sheet draped haphazardly onto a lousy excuse of a bed, and the sound of metal clinking.

Louis' eyes have adjusted to the darkness for the past few hours, so he can clearly see the silhouette of his accomplice hunched over the lock he's trying to pick. It has been this way for a few minutes now, and as a result, Louis is growing more and more impatient by the second.

"Hurry up," Louis hisses.

Not taking his eyes off of his hands, the accomplice mumbles, "Kinda difficult when I'm practically doing this blind."

Seething with annoyance, Louis' hand thrusts in between the metal bars of his cell and grabs hold of the man's orange jumper, pulling him forward at such a rapid rate that the side of his head collides with the metal.

While the man winces in pain, Louis quietly fires back, "Don't even think about saying shit like that to me again because you know damn well I can make life a living hell for you, Ramirez." He pulls the man closer to the point where his skull is squishing into the metal bar, and as Louis' lips graze the man's ear, the man begins to tremble. "You want to make it out alive, don't you?"

The man rapidly nods his head but is to little avail due to the wedge he is in currently. In response, Louis abruptly lets go and runs his fingers through his hair soaked in sweat.

Louis has been stuck inside these four cemented walls for the past month, for he was found guilty of a multitude of charges: theft, first-degree murder, and illegal drug possession. Though Louis is sentenced to life in prison, he has never been the type to take things like that seriously. Rather, he has been full of confidence since day one that he would find a way out. Usually, Louis can get his hands on some corrupt policemen willing to make an exchange, but this time around has not been as lucky. Forced to conjure up an escape plan on his own, he has been analyzing the prison for two weeks, learning the guards' rounds and weakest points on the base. Now that the time for his plan to be brought to fruition is finally here, Louis just wants to get out more than anything. He has had little to no information regarding what is going on the outside, and though Louis will never admit it, it has been quite stressful. Louis is the type of person that loves being in control and on top of everything, but now, being powerless and trapped in a prison cell, he feels--well, he doesn't know what he feels. Odd, to say the least. He has never been caught before until now, but thankfully has always had a plan, just in case things went south.

Then again, leading one of the most dangerous gangs in New York City, Bloodlust, will force you to be prepared for all scenarios.

And the funny thing is-- well, at least to Louis, it's rather amusing-- is that no one has any idea how far up in the ranks Louis is except for his most trusted members. As far as the judges, police, press, and general public are concerned, Louis Tomlinson is just your average criminal and soon-to-be fugitive as soon as this bloke finishes breaking the lock.

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