Colours // Mashton

Start from the beginning

Until that one day when, for some reason, Michael stood up to a couple of bullies, an act that had him sent to the principals office before he could even open his mouth to justify what he'd done. In there, where he was left to sit and wait on a very uncomfortable chair for what felt like ages, he finally found his soulmate.


He wasn't even aware of it at first. He didn't realise he was staring at the boy sitting opposite to him before he had to blink. First then did he notice the beautiful, warm colour in the boy's eyes. First then did he notice the horrible mix of colours in the room.

"Michael." he choked out, too busy taking in all these new colours to form a proper sentence. Ashton didn't seem offended though, he was just as amazed.

"you have very beautiful eyes." he said, getting up and walking across the room to sit next to Michael. "I never thought...I didn't think I'd find you."

And that was it, really. They started spending time together, getting to know each other and slowly falling in love. A few years passed, they were both done with school and had jobs to go to every morning, a steady income. Michael had moved out from the house where he'd grown up, promising his grandma he'd visit every week, and in with Ashton in a small apartment above a bookstore. And then one day, Ashton got down on one knee and asked him to marry him, he asked him to promise that no matter what, even if they'd fall out of love with each other they'd stay friends. To Michael, that was something that wouldn't ever happen, he was too in love with the older boy to even consider it, but he promised none the less, understanding Ashton's concerns.

And so they got married and life went on.


"Michael! Can you please hand me my phone." Michael groans and gets up, walking through the livingroom and over to where his cousin's phone is laying. After throwing it into the bathroom he then returns to the couch, feeling Ashton's arm around his shoulders the moment he sits down.

"Gross." the voice reminds Michael that they aren't alone in the room and he turns his head to the left. Luke's sitting on the floor with his arms crossed and a pout on his face as he watches them.

The blonde still haven't found his soulmate and even though he's only joking around right now, Michael can tell he's jealous. After all, Michael was the one who didn't want to find his, Luke's been waiting all his life.

"Michael!" Lynn's voice comes from her bedroom this time and Michael sighs, snuggling closer to Ashton. "Michael!"


"Red or black?"

"What for?" she doesn't answer right away, but after a few moments the door to her room opens slightly and her hands appears, holding some lace panties. When he sees this, Luke's face turns almost as red as the fabric in her right hand and even Ashton seems slightly flustered.

"Red or black?" Lynn repeats.

"Black." Michael answers, trying his best to suppress a smile as he watches the other's reactions. "Black is good." the hands disappear and Luke's face starts going back to it's original colour. It goes back to being bright red as soon as Lynn enters the room though, and he's quick to look away as she walks across the room, wearing nothing more than a pair of skinny jeans and a bra.

"I should probably leave now, actually." Luke says, getting up from the floor. Keeping his eyes on the floor and his hands over his crotch, he leaves the livingroom.

"I think I'll go with him, I have yoga in half an hour." Ashton whispers, his words intended for Michael and Michael alone. Michael nods, smiling to himself since he knows what that means. Not only does the yoga give Ashton an amazing ass, it also makes him too tired to top.

"I'll make sure I have dinner ready when you get home." Michael promises, kissing his husband before he watches him get up and leave the room.

"you two are too cute." Lynn says once they've heard the front door open and close. "I wish I had something like that."

"well who are you going out to meet now?" Michael asks, yawning as he gets up from the couch. "you know you don't need Peter to be happy."

"I know, I know." Lynn smiles and walks over to her bedroom again, leaving the door open so they can keep talking. "I'm gonna meet this girl, we've gone out a few times." Michael raises an eyebrow as he hears this.

"I didn't know you liked girls."

"I didn't know I had to tell you who I like or not." Lynn retorts, not even looking at him. "and I didn't know either, if I'm being completely honest. It just happened."

"So did you kiss yet?" Michael asks, curiosity getting the best of him as he enters her room and sits on her bed. "what was it like?"

"coffee and bubble gum." Lynn finally finds a shirt she likes and pulls it over her head. "it was amazing, and since her soulmate didn't want her either I don't have to worry about her finding that person and leaving me."

"what if Peter comes back?"

"he's not coming back." she shrugs and starts putting her bracelets on. "I don't think I'll ever see him again, I mean I'll know when he dies and all and maybe I should go to the funeral but I don't need him." Michael nods and stands again, starting to head towards the door.

"Well I should probably get home, I promised Ash I'd have dinner rea-" he stops mid-sentence, freezing in the middle of the livingroom. For a moment he just stands there, but then realisation kicks in and he has to grab onto the wall to stay upright. All the colours are gone, just like that he's back to seeing nothing but black and white, and he can almost hear his heart breaking.

"Mikey? Michael?" he hears her voice just like he would if he were under water and he can't do anything, nothing at all, to communicate with her. Black and white, just like before he met his soulmate, means Ashton is gone. It means Ashton's gone forever, that he's not coming back.

And it's just as painful as Michael imagined when he was a teenager.

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