The awkward pretense probability

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He thought about Dr Macy Bloome all night. Sheldon tried to be good and just concentrate on her intelligence but soon his ideas seemed to veer to the thought of her body. No matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't let go of her physical attributes.

He dreamily focused on her round perky breasts and her tight shapely posterior. He thought about her sexy waist and what it would be like to put his hands on her creamy white skin under her t-shirt and kiss her. He would even kiss her with tongue!

Good god he was crazy! All that saliva and all those bodily fluids and ...the warmth and the creaminess of that ivory skin...ripping that t-shirt off her, exposing her bra and cleavage and....

Thinking of it all made his briefs noticeably tighter. He was amazed with himself for having such thoughts, he was a homo novus after all.

Goodness it was maddening! How did the normal human male surrender to their baser urges like this? How did they every get any work, or any sleep completed? Sheldon closed his eyes and looked at the alarm clock again. No matter how hard he tried to, it was frustratingly hard to go to sleep. Instead he found himself trying to use his vulcan hearing and listen for any activity downstairs. She could be sleeping directly below him, in an parallel room beneath him...

Was she sleeping? Was she up? Maybe undressing or even getting naked? Maybe she was taking a long hot shower?

.... This was getting ridiculous!

He tried to settle down and think about something else, but he soon found himself thinking about her again.

It was frustrating to know that she lived directly below him , just a ceiling and a floor seperating them. He kept eyeing his alarm clock and cursed his eidetic memory for metally replaying the scenes with her today. 3 hrs of tossing and turning and listing off elements of the parodic table to no avail didn't work. He tried so hard to drift off to sleep but it never happened. Thoughts possessed of only her, he became annoyed. He required the proper amount of REM sleep in order for his brilliance to function properly.

If this keeps up , he was lucky if he would any sleep at all!



With first day jitters Macy nodded to passing by students and made her way to her new office. With her banker box on her hip she used her key to unlock the door.

The smell of new paint reached her nose, and she smiled when she turned on the light. Macy had a big window and a cherry wood desk in front of it . There were white boards on the left and right walls, and the paint colour she requested looked perfect.

Macy was pleased.

Starting to unpack and place her belongings in her desk, and looked up when she heard President Siebert knock on her door. The excitement on his face was amusing.

-Hello Dr. Bloome, I presume everything you requested is to your satisfaction?

-Indeed Mr Siebert it's great, thank you. Macy replied with a smile.

-I have to say again, Welcome to Caltech and if you need anything...anything at all, don't hesitate to call...or knock. My door is always open for you.

-Thank you Mr Siebert and that is good to know, thank you for your kind reception. Macy said smiling at him as he closed her door.

Taking in a deep breath she calmed her nerves and continued to organize her things before she got down to some research.



It was nearly lunch time now and Sheldon was anxious again. He was too tired this morning in the apartment to be anything else- dragging himself around to complete his morning rituals. In the car however, he realized why he never slept and began to fidget. Leonard took notice but didn't question him... thankfully. He was hoping to see her in passing but no luck. It was now 11:55 am and he knew he would have to see her really soon. Who would skip lunch? Surely someone as intelligent as her would know the importance of not skipping meals.

Sheldon Cooper was indeed nervous, excited and scared all the same time. Good grief, he was a hippy after all.

When the clock struck 12, he eagerly made his way to the cafeteria to grab his food. Sitting at his usual spot he tried his best to go through the motions of eating without being obvious that he was waiting for something. Raj , Howard and Leonard talked about something unimportant and Sheldon nodded trying his best to be believable in faked interest.

Then she arrived.

Her hair was set in two pig tails, and her outfit was very distracting. It was the hottest day in California and she sported a superman themed tank with a denim skirt that reached the top of her thighs. Her skirt accentuated her shapely posterior and the tank top not only advertised a very popular and worthy marvel hero, but it also called attention to one of her very attractive assets. Sheldon was on the brink of drooling and was unaware that he had a sewing leg that was disturbing everyone's lunch.

-Sheldon buddy you ok over there? Leonard asked while trying to stabilize the surface of their table.

Snapping out of it, Sheldon looked around while trying to discreetly pull the newly tightened material off his groin. He had an obvious tent and dared to leave the table. With wide eyes Sheldon nodded too quickly to be considered a typical Sheldon mannerism, and the guys were beginning to take notice. Raj looked behind him in the direction that Sheldon had been looking to see his goddess approach their table.

-Hey Sheldon, Leonard, mind if i join you all? Macy asked holding her tray in front of her.

-No Macy, sit down...welcome! Leonard said.

Thanks! You know I think I like it here, the people I realize are quite nice. Looks like I made a good decision, everyone is so helpful and accommodating . Macy said while picking up her sandwich and taking a bite.

Sheldon was quiet, he stared at her and tried to not let his eyes veer from hers in want of viewing those beautiful and very noticeable breasts, especially in that top. The guys chatted with Macy, and Sheldon was at a loss for words. He became tongue tied, can you believe it? Leonard it seemed, was beginning to notice. So Sheldon calmed himself and thought of something to add to the conversation.

-Yes, Caltech is a great place to work, it has the most brilliant minds in the country working here. Sheldon smiled in relief. He was able to say something that was very Sheldon-esk. It should throw his buddies off his trail. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply and then took a bite of his own salad. He was very excited to be here with her, but it was so much work right now trying to stay focused and behave normally.


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