Daniel- those are tranqs right? Killing them is not an option.

Ryan- they're holding a dangerous nerve agent and toure worried about killing them?daniel gives gim a look. Fine. we'll do it your way.

They get out of the car and head towards the entrance. Daniel shoots the two guards on the balcony. Then as the other guards respond. Ryan breaks off right to draw their attention. Daniel then shoots them and they fall down. Nice shooting.

Daniel- smiles at ryan with pride. Ive always been the best shot of the group. Lets go. They head inside. As they enter they run into a guard. Daniel slides to the ground and kicks the guards leg causing him to fall. Then in one swift motion he punches the guard in the face, knocking him out. He looks at ryan. Were you gonna help?

Ryan- you had that. He sticks his hand out for daniel, who takes it.

Daniel- where do you think they're holding the agent?

Ryan- probably in their basement, best way to avoid detection. Their plans show a staircase dwon this hall that should lead straight to it. They head off down the hall. When they reach the door, ryan flings it open as daniel quickly clears the staircase. As they head down they hear a couple of guards coming up to them. The guards turn and see them.

Guard: what are you guys doing here? They raise their guns. In unison, ryan and daniel leap down the flight of stairs tackling the guards. Daniel smashes his guard's head against the wall. Ryan has trouble overpowering his guard, daniel runs over and yells to distract the guard, ryan pushes him towards daniel who tackles the guard dwon another flight of stairs. The guard makes a hard contact with the metal bars. Daniel gets up and sees that the guard is dead. Ryan runs over to him and looks at daniel and sees him hurt.

Ryan: you did what you had to. He puts his hand on his shoulder.

Daniel: come on. Monotone. They leave as we focus on the dead body for a second. They then heads down a hallway. They approach a corner where we hear a guard talking to someone on the radio.

Guard: how many dead? Jesus christ. Okay, copy that/. The guard runs off. Daniel and ryan wait for the sound of steps to decrease before they head over.

Daniel: what was he talking about?

Ryan: no idea, but lets hurry before he comes back. They open the door and in the center is a silver briefcase with a hazardous symbol on it. Daniel walks over and opens it. In it we see a green mist in a locked up capsule.

Daniel- is it me, or was this too easy?Suddenly, alarms go off. Daniel turns to ryan who hives him an annoyed look. My bad. They run out the door but we see several guards running towards them. They each hide behind a corner as the guards begin to shoot at them. They return fire and hide.

Ryan- we gotta get out of here before more reinforcements come! Daniel reaches into his bag and grabs a grenade. Ryan looks at daniel. Are you sure?

Daniel- its the only way. He unpins it and throws it down the hall. The grenade expolodes and they look down the hall and see the carnage. They run by it towards the stairs, daniel stops and picks up a gun. They head up stairs. As they reach the top floor, they are met by a team of guards searching the lobby. The lights are off and we hear them communicating. Daniel and ryan hide. Daniel whispering to ryan. Head left and draw their fire, ill pick them off. Ryan nods his head and runs off. We hear a sound come from the left as the guard turn their attention. Daniel then pops up from his hiding spot and begins to shoot the guards. Each shot is a headshot and the guards begin to drop like flies. After a second, all 8 guards are dead and daniel is left thesole survivor. He calls over to ryan. Ryan! You okay? Ryan suddenly answers from right next to him, causing hin to jump.

Ryan- yeah i'm fine. Lets go. They run out to the car and drive off. We focus on one of the guards they first tranq'd from their entrance and we can see some blood pooling around him. We then cut to the boys in the living room. Daniel opens the briefcase looking at the mist.

Daniel- so how are we supposed to convert this into a liquid?

Ryan- ill leave that to you. But i suggest you figure it out soon. Wont be long until people hear about our little adventure.

Daniel- which means that matt and sam will too. Daniel looks at the case as we zoom in on it. We then cut to matt and sam in the living room of their house. Theyre making out but matt pulls awya for a second, sam, sensing something is wrong looks at matt.

Sam- you okay?

Matt- yeah sorry, im just worried about daniel. He must be really struggling with whatever he saw. I just wish he woul talk to us.

Sam- he'll be okay. Daniel's a tough guy. Plus, ive learned that he'll talk to us when hes ready.

Matt has a worried look on hisface. Hey, whatever he went through, he wont go through it alone. We'll be there whenever he's ready. Plus if anything, it gives us time to figure out how bowman was able to talk to us in our dreams.

Matt: stands up and begins to pace. I actually have an idea about that. I think he was able to insert a communication device in the mist.

Sam: how is that possible?

Matt: im thinking nanobots. He may have programmed them to recreate specific dreams which allowed him to speak to us. Almost like guided therapy.

Sam: wouldnt that require him to see when we entered the facility so he could activate them?

Amtt: he was probably watching us the entire time. But what im having trouble figuring out is why he would want to individually control our fears?

Sam: what if he was testing the process?

Matt: what doy ou mean?

Sam: what if he was just testing it on us so that he could find a way to manipulate a whole mass of people?

Matt: you think that hes planning on releasing this on the public? No, that would be impossible.

Sam: not if he found a way to simultaneously expose a town.

Matt: how would he do that? Theres hardly any town hall meetings.matt looks at a glass of water on the table and comes to a dreadful realization. The water station. Hes going to dump it into the water supply. Sam gets a dreadful look on her face. We focus in on matt's face. We have to find daniel.

We then cut to bowman talking to a group of people in a room. Each one looks like a different tribes of sorts.

Bowman: ive called this meeting because there's a threat to your way of life. For years, you all ahve benefitted from the chaos brought out after genesis released their gas on the town. But now someone is trying to take that all away from you.

Woman one: and why should we trust you?we dont even know who you are?

Bowman: walks over to her. Allow me to introduce myself. I am doctor bowman and im your new boss.

Man one: boss? We dont take orders from you. Bowman looks at him and quickly sprays a mist in his face. The man slowly begins to freak out and yell in fear. Get them off! He frantically pats himself and panics. The rest fo the room backs up in concern. Bowman leans over to the man and whispers.

Bowman: if you want it to stop, then maybe you should kill yourself. The man continues to freak out until he brings out his gun and shoots himself. A silence falls into the room. After a second bowman looks around. Anyone else have something to say?no one answers. Good. another person speaks up.

Voice 3:you said someone was threatening us. Who exactly are you talking about?

Bowman: takes out a photo of matt and throws it on the table. His name is matthew jackson. And im going to need you to kill him. They all look at each other and then we slowly focus in on bowman. Anymore questions? Pause. Good, then get it done. The screen cuts to black and credits roll. 

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