Chapter 30 - The Ultimate Finale

Start from the beginning

The enemy soldiers managed to beat Kyran's X-Soldiers and shot at him.

Kyran got lit up. He fell over and used his power to spike them all.

The soldiers all got spiked and died instantly.

Ani got up and walked over to him while tripping and falling, clearly struggling.

His friends jumped off the roof and ran to him.

"KYRAN!!!!" Most yelled. Others struggled to say words or even find the right words to say.

Kyran felt the world go white and the next thing he knew, He was in front of a hotel. Two people gasped and brought him inside.

They waited until he woke up.

Five hours passed by and still... nothing.



Kyran got up and looked around. "Where am I?! Where's—"

The two guys came over to him and looked down at the sitting boy.

The one on the left began to speak. "It seems like... You finally died."

The one on the right smiled. "You did great out there! Jeez you are SO Powerful!"

Kyran looked at both of his hands. "Where am I and who are you if I'm dead?"

The one on the left sighed and coughed. "You are at Hotel Holts. I'm Bryan and this is Sky. We're all the same person but different timelines. Don't get me wrong, We're all the same timeline but like different places after one of us die."

Sky nodded his head. "Yeah, Now come on, Let's watch as our Timeline 4 Self starts!!"

They both walked away towards a TV.

Kyran stood up quick. "Wait! How do i go back?! There's much more I have to do!"

"You died though?" Sky said, sweating in confusion.

Kyran panicked. "I know but I still want to talk to—"

Bryan patted Kyran's shoulder. "About that, That side of the timeline exploded. They're coming here right now."

"Died?! How?" asked Kyran in disbelief.

Bryan smiled. "You were the main source of the world staying alive. But now that your world is gone... We get to see Timeline 4 happen. We can interact with the person alive but none of us have done so yet."

Kyran facepalmed. "Let's wait for that person to at least get development. Here, Show me around once they come."

The door opened and a group came in. "Where are we...?" asked Nicole.

Kyran looked in surprise and walked towards them. "To answer your question, We died."

Jennifer ran to Kyran and hugged him. Both of them fell back. "Kyran!"

Kyran hugged her back. "Hey."

He let go and looked at both of his former selves. "Hey, Give me the run down of your powers and stuff."

Shattered 3: Time SwitchWhere stories live. Discover now