new boyfriend

20 0 0

Swellview high


During lunch I sat with Olivia and henry who had his arm around olivia his new girlfriend and charlotte was busy eating her food and jasper was playing with his belly button, a dude came up to us and started flirting with me and henry immediately got defensive and stepped in front of me like a over protective boyfriend even though he's not

" Can I help you? " Henry said

" Yeah, can I please talk to my girlfriend? " The boy said

Henry turned to me with a shocked look and I waved hi to him and walked up to him and introduced him to my friends and henry who wasn't pleased at all but his girlfriend olivia was cool with it

" I'm david " David said

" I'm henry...henry hart " henry said tensed

" These are my friends, and David is my new boyfriend " I said slowly

" B-boyfriend? " Henry said

" That's so cool, now we can go on double dates...I mean me and henry and you and David " olivia said

" Great, how's tonight? " I said

" Nope " henry said

" Tonights perfect " olivia said

" Nope  " henry said

" Great, see you then " I said

Me and David walked away and olivia and henry sat back down and as soon as we were out of sight me and David started kissing and he pulled away

" Don't forget our one year anniversary is coming up, I'm super excited to meet your father soon " David said

" Ssshh, I'm glad to but just remember to keep it on the down low because Henry still thinks I'm in love with him...and don't over react to much when you meet my father no one can know I told you he's captain man " I said nervously

" Babe, I promise I'll be cool...besides I love you so much but now I have to go to class, love you bye " David said kissing me and then walking away

I looked over at charlotte and motioned for her to come over and she quickly ran over and we started giggling but she stopped when I told her the truth about David and how he's a bilksy but she didn't understand how considering he's super smoking hot

" Look I told him my father is captain man and henry is kid danger but I told him to keep it a secret...but I just remembered that David's mom said he's bad at keeping secrets " I said as charlotte freaked

" You told David henry is kid danger...ray is gonna freak! " Charlotte said

" I know...I know....but I also lied to David " I said

" What? " Charlotte said

" I told him I'm no longer in love with Henry..." I said with tears building up in my eyes

" Why's that a lie? " Charlotte said

" Because the truth is...Im really in love with him " I said

" Em, you and henry need to work this out...if you two can't be happy with other people then maybe you guys should think about dating each other " charlotte said

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