My mind wasn't clouded with alcohol anymore, jealousy had taken over. He was mine, I thought, but that was the problem, he wasn't mine anymore. He never was, but at least before we were exclusive physically, I knew I didn't have to worry about other girls. But now that we were just friends, I had nothing to hold against him.

We were friends. Friends didn't have to be physically exclusive. Friends could flirt and fuck whoever they wanted. Friends didn't love each other.  

By the time I got to the bar, I had dried my tears and decided that if Harry could fuck around, so could I. So I adjusted my shirt, making sure that my assets were a little more exposed and leaned against the counter with my arms crossed under my chest, lifting my breast. I spotted a guy on the other end of the bar and smiled seductively at him. He smiled back and winked. I bit my lower lip and looked down.  

No matter how good it felt to have someone's attention, I knew it wasn't from the one person I wanted. It felt wrong, acting slutty and desperately wanting attention wasn't like me. I knew it was the alcohol that made me do it. That and the burning pain I felt in my heart.  

"What can I get you, love?"  

I lifted my head and met the bartender’s eyes. They were green like his and that was the last trigger I needed.

"Shots," I replied holding six fingers up. "Tequila."

He nodded before taking out a small tray and aligning six shot glasses. He pulled out a saltshaker and a bigger glass with slices of lime. Finally, he poured the tequila across the glasses, filling them all up. 

I paid him and went back to the table, trying as hard as I could not to drop anything. Once I finally made my way back, I was glad to notice that Niall and Melissa were finally done with their drinks.

"You okay?" Niall asked as he saw me.

I frowned, acting as if I didn't know what he was talking about. "Yeah, never better," I said and lifted the tray. "How could I not be," I joked.

Melissa and him laughed and he shoved me softly. "You're a drunk."

I shrugged before laughing. "And you're not? I guess I'll keep the shots for myself then."  

Both of them theatrically shook their head in desperation and I grabbed two shots in my hands.

"Say it," I told them. "Say that you're drunks."

"We're drunk," they said in unison and we all started to laugh, giddy with alcohol.

"Well, we're about to get even more drunk," I stated as I handed them their shots.  

Melissa was the first to lick her hand and pour the salt, then it was me, then it was Niall. We waited for everyone to be ready and on the count of three, we did the traditional tequila shot.  

Lick the salt, chug the shot, bite the lime.  

We all put down our shot glasses roughly on the table. I laughed, Melissa wiped the extra tequila next to her mouth and Niall made a god-awful face. 

"I hate Tequila," he said and we cracked up.

"One more," Melissa encouraged him and I slid the shot glass in front of him. Niall grumbled but took the shot in his hand anyway. Melissa and I cheered and we repeated the process.  

Lick the salt, chug the shot, bite the lime.  

I clapped my hands amusingly, congratulating us, and started to laugh again. The alcohol was getting to my mind, making everything around a little blurrier, the music a little louder, and the fun a little greater. I had passed that level of control I usually stopped at. I knew what I was doing, but I was a lot more daring. And as if to test me, a waitress came by our table and handed me a shot.

"From the guy with a red shirt at the bar," she explained with a smile.  

I turned around and met the eyes of the guy I had spotted earlier. He smiled and winked before lifting his glass. I smiled and turned back around. I took the shot in my hand.

"What is it?" I asked, smelling it.

"A screaming orgasm."

I choked on air and Niall and Melissa laughed their asses off. "A what?"

The waitress chuckled. "It's vodka, amaretto liqueur, coffee liqueur and Irish cream liqueur."

"Oh. Okay," I said. "Thanks." 

She left and I felt Melissa and Niall watching me.  

"Come on, drink it!" Niall cheered.

Melissa bit her lower lip. "Wouldn't that be encouraging the guy?"

I shrugged and smiled, "he's cute." 

I acted nonchalant but I was battling inside. This shot would literally determine the rest of my night, I knew it. I hesitated, because I didn't like flirting, I didn't like giving false signals. I wasn't one for random hook ups with strangers. But as I thought about Harry's hand on that girl's shoulder, it created the desire to be that kind of girl. So I took the shot.  

Screaming orgasm, I couldn't wait.


Well, well, well. If it isn't a double update ! Haha hope you enjoyed that chapter, it was a lot of fun to write and I hope you had fun reading it. If you guys follow me on twitter, you might have caught a tweet or two about this chapter and how excited I was when I wrote it. 

please please give me some feedback on my writing and on my plot, I really want to improve and make this story one of your favourite ! :)

love you guys, so so much 
Karry xx.

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