RULE #1- Your mom.

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Ok. So, middle school. I don't even know where to start. You're life as a middle school could be one of two options. Option 1: you're middle school experience could be a amazing.... If you are a gorgeous, poplar, rich preppy person. If you are like me, you have option 2: you're middle school expires could be the worst years of you're life. You aren't exactly pretty, or popular, or rich, or preppy. If you ask me, we have to make option 1 people in my middle school. But as the tile above says, this chapter will be talking about your mom. I know you love her to death, but in public, make sure you are at least 30 feet away at all times. Also, if she gives you a ride to school, get out quickly. Then start sprinting to the school doors to not risk any chance of he yelling something stupid out the window like, "see you after school sweetie! Have a nice day Honeybunch!"
Forget, you are in middle school. You will no longer be called Honeybunch or Sweetie. If you are a mamas girl... Try to detach a little bit, it will make you're life so much easier. Next rule about your mom: Never ever I repeat ever tell you're mom who your crush is. I know you have to tell someone, but that's what friends and diary a are for. Ok, so for example. You are at a grocery store and you see your crush and his mom. You're mom and his mom start talking and she says to you.... " this is that boy you like isn't it?" And you get totally embarrassed and u just want to crawl under a rock. And to think you could have taken my advice and avoided the problem with not telling her in the first place. Tomorrows new rule is going to be: DIARYS

Middle school "Do's" and "Don'ts"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora