not a chapter but i need advice

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okay so say you liked this guy all of the end of your freshman year, but you assumed that he didn't like you because you heard a rumor that he had a thing with another girl, and so you force yourself to stop liking him cause you don't wanna be like a home wrecker, and then school ends, and you start talking to him, assuming it was just as friends but your feelings started to come back up, you end up facetiming for like 3 hours and get super close again. and then today he snapchat's you and tells you that he actually did like you during the last semester, and your super happy but your commitment issues come back up, for whatever reason commitment and the thought of being tied down to someone makes you feel like gross, you have no idea why because you like him a lot but like i said commitment- ick, anyways you end up facetiming your friends and they talk some sense into you and calm you down, you end up snapping him and telling him everything including how you feel with commitment, the other thing is if anything we're to happen your gonna be out of the state for most of summer visiting your friends and going to some summer camp.  anyways, does anyone know why i feel like this or what i should do
thank you 😃

my one and only, emilyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα