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Veronica's pov
Me and Jughead wanted to spy on Archie and Betty because they've been getting way to close. "Jughead?" I asked "What Veronica?" "Just look Jughead." And when he looked he saw Archie and Betty kissing. Archie started to take Bettys shirt off. I couldn't stand to watch him do that, so I left without telling Jughead where I was going."

Jughead's pov
Veronica stormed off because Archie started taking Betty's shirt off. Well I think that's why she stormed off. I quickly went after her. "Veronica, where are you going?" I asked her. "To the bunker." "Why?" "I need to clear my head, and make a plan." I was confused because she said she needed to make a plan. "Veronica, I'm coming." "Okay fine. Hurry Jughead." I rushed towards her and I could tell she's been crying. A few minutes later we arrive at the bunker.

back to Veronica's pov
"So what's you plan?" Jughead asked. "My plan is that we act like we saw nothing and since tomorrow is the last day until spring break we can go to the lodge my families lodge. Then I will suggest that me and you should kiss and then we'll enjoy as much as we want then on the last day of spring break we'll break up with them at the same time." I simply answer. "Great plan. I'm in." "Okay, good." About five minutes later, I had no clue what I was doing, but I started to touch Jughead's face and we stared at each other's eyes. And then I kissed his I don't know why though. He kissed back. I'm honestly surprised.

back to Jughead's pov
I kissed Veronica back. Why? I wanted to know why. We both pulled back at the same time. "I'm sorry, Jughead." Veronica apologized. "Don't be, Veronica. It was an awesome kiss." We laughed. "I should get home. Do you wanna spend the night at my house?" I was surprised that Veronica asked me to spend the night. "Uhm sure."

back to Veronica's pov
We went back to my place. We got ready for bed. I let him sleep on my bed since it was very big. After we laid down. We talked about how Betty cheated on Jughead and how Archie cheated on me. We cuddled, but in like a friendly way. Like we were Best Friends even though we're not. We're just friends.

Betty's pov
Me and Archie had s3x. We didn't care that we hurt our partners. They wouldn't know what we did. If me or Archie don't say anything.

—————————————————————————Sorry that this chapter is short. I'll try to make chapter two longer.

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