Chapter 2

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I do not own harry potter or the characters. I only own Alaina!


The Next Day

Draco’s POV


                “Father, I need to take Alaina to Diagon alley to get her school supplies. We shall leave in one hour.” I stated to my father as he talked to the Dark Lord. He only nodded and shooed me away. I smirked and walked up to the attic to wake my baby sister. I opened her door and sighed once I saw her asleep on the floor. I knelt down beside her and shook her carefully as I spoke softly, “Alaina wake up sweetheart.” Her eyes fluttered open as she moved her hands up wiping at her eyes adding to her innocence. “Dray, what are you doing in here?” She asked in a quiet voice. “I needed to wake you up so we can go shop for your school supplies. We are leaving in about fifty minutes. Go get ready.” I replied. She nodded and stood up carefully. I went to her closet and pulled out a black and silver dress that would reach just below her knees. I gently handed it to her then kissed her forehead. “Get dressed and we shall head down stairs to bid father goodbye.” I spoke to her quietly as I stroked her cheek. She started to turn but looked at me. I was confused for a second before I realized that she wanted me to turn around so that she could change. I turned around quickly and listened to the sound of the clothes moving. “Okay Draco, I am finished.” She spoke as she walked in front of me. I smiled at her then handed her a pair of silver high heels. “Let us go then.” I spoke as I wrapped my arms around her in a protective manner. We walked down stairs and I spoke coldly to our father, “Father, we are leaving now.”  He gave a curt nod and continued his conversation yet again, does he ever stop talking.

Alaina’s POV

                Brother and I were walking in complete silence until he spoke, “Ali, you mustn’t be scared. We will get on well at Hogwarts and father will never hurt you again. I promise you that.”

Ali’s pov


                I sighed and replied, “How can you be sure brother? What if something goes wrong? What if I must hurt him? I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” It seemed the fear in my voice was easily perceived, as Draco wrapped his arm protectively around me and spoke, “Nothing of the sort will happen to you. I will be there to protect you.” I leaned on him a little for support and kept silent the rest of the trip. I was afraid, but brother has always protected me before so I trust him now.....

                Once in Diagon Alley, we went to Olivander’s  so I could acquire my wand. “Ah, Mrs. Malfoy, I knew I would be seeing you soon. I guess you must be here to retrieve your wand. Am I correct?” Olivander spoke with such sureness in his voice. I nodded as he handed me a wand. I felt pain and depression as I moved the wand, breaking a vase. “No, no, absolutely not.” He spoke before handing me another wand. As I picked touched it I could feel the power running through my veins. “Intriguing very intriguing, it seems this is your wand. Made of Cherry wood. Core of Phoenix, just given a few months ago. Quite a strong phoenix too I do believe.” As he speaks I become more relaxed. I know this wand was meant for me and only me. No one could take this away from me, not now of ever. Draco took my hand, nodding to the old man as a thank you as he led me out of the shop. I also bid Mr. Olivander a goodbye. “Now, you need your books, ink, quills, parchment, and robes. It won't take long now Ali.” Draco conveys to me with his famous smirk.

                I grabbed his hand pulling him into a book shop. “Can we get ice cream before we leave brother?   I haven't had it in so long. Father wouldn't let me have anything I liked while you were gone.” I asked timidly. Draco chuckled and gave me a curt nod. After we got the rest of the supplies, we headed to the nearest place that served my creamy delicious treat. Dray ordered for us and handed me cookie dough ice cream, my favorite. “Thanks Draco. I can't believe you remembered.” I grinned and I licked the yummy ice cream. Dray just smiled his rare smile enjoying his ice cream as well.

Draco's pov


                As Alaina began dragging me out of Olivander's I smiled. She was going to be an amazing witch. I didn't know we had stopped until she spoke, “Can we get ice cream after we leave brother? I haven't had it in so long. Father wouldn't let me have anything I liked while you were gone.” Anger toward my father and love toward my sister surged through my body. I chuckled at the innocent look on her face and nodded. I thought about how much I wanted to spoil her. She deserved so much better than the life she had now. As sick as it made me, Potter could give her happiness. If they became friends, he could give her what she deserved.

                We quickly gathered her supplies and headed to the ice cream shop. I ordered Cookie dough flavor for my baby sister and vanilla for me. As I handed her ice cream to her she spoke, “Thanks Draco. I can't believe you remembered.” She grinned and tasted her treat. I gave her one of my rare pure smiles and started on my treat as well. I would make her happy. Father would not be a shadow overtaking her anymore. He would not be looming over her giving her nightmares as I know she had to have after all this time of torture.

                After we finished, I grabbed her hands expression, looking into her eyes. “Sister, I know I have not been around to protect you lately. I want you to understand that I care for you. I will never let pain and sorrow scar you as it has in the past. I will protect you now. I will watch over you. You must understand this. I never meant for anything to happen to you.” I said with seriousness in my voice.  She hugged me tightly, burying her head in my chest as tears of happiness escaped her eyes. I meant every word that I ever uttered to her. I would not let her get hurt again. I truly loved my sister. “Ali, we must go home now. Father will be wondering where we are.” She nodded, getting up while holding my hand tightly. I knew she didn't want to return, but we had to.

                After we returned, Alaina let go of my hand. It confused me, but as Father made his way in front of us I understood. The anger in his eyes even scared me. “It does not take three hours to get supplies. WHERE WERE YOU?!?” He shouted causing Ali to cower in fear. “We ran into Potter, Father. Alaina was getting to know him. It involved the Dark Lord's plan for her.” I tried to hide any hint of a false hood in my voice. It seemed Father fall for it as he smiled. “Good, the Dark Lord will be pleased. Now head to bed. You leave for school in the morning.” That set a smile of my dearest sister's face. We headed up to bed, but not before bidding each other goodnight.

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