Draco’s POV

                Pansy would not leave me alone. I swear I was going to kill her one day soon. Blaise and Flint were talking to me as we got off the train. We chuckled as Flint made joked about Potter. A girl came up to us; I did not even look at her till she spoke. “Draco, the train was late on arrival. We must go home father is waiting.” She spoke to me suddenly making the guys stare at her. God I hate when people stare at her. Iglared at her, rolling my eyes. I replied in a cold voice, I just hope she knows it’s just an act, “I will get home when I arrive. You can wait or go if you wish, I do not really care.” The tone in my voice seems to scare and anger her. “Draco Lucius Malfoy, do not speak to me in that way. Father has requested for you to come home when you arrived. We have visitors at home and you shall come now!”She yelled at me. My eyes widened and I turned to the boys nodded a goodbye.

                I turned back to her following her quickly, she seemed to feel my glare on her back because she spoke while looking at me without even turning around, “Draco, I would like it if you stopped glaring. I would have let you converse as long as you wished and left you there but if I came back without you I would be severely punished. When we do arrive I will tell father that I was talking to some of your friends and that is why we are late. I do not wish to see you punished by father again.” My eyes widened as I replied, “Alaina, I will not allow you to do that. Father will not punish you anyways. He has never punished you before. I will take the blame as it is my fault.” She sighed and stopped walking. “Draco, I have been punished. I have suffered the cruciatus curse just as you have. I have been beaten, hexed, jinxed, cursed, and I have suffered the Dark Lord’s punishments as well.” she replied with tears forming in her eyes, I hated seeing her tears. Tears are a sign of weakness, a sign of fear. I could feel my eyes widened more than ever and anger seeped on to my facial expression.

                How dare they hurt her! I would kill father for laying a hand on her. She turned and started walking again with me not far behind. Once we arrived at the Malfoy Manor, we hurried inside. She walked into the sitting room, I was watching the scene role on ready to interfere if needed, and saw father, mother, and the Dark Lord sitting there. “Excuse me, father, Draco is here. Sorry we are late the train was ten minutes late and then I met one of the boys in Slytherin.” She spoke trying to hide the fear in her voice; I heard it so clearly, as I step next to her. “That is no excuse! You should not speak to anyone except those I tell you to! Have I not taught you that by now?” Father yelled as he stood from his spot, taking out his wand. She looked down and my father just got angrier. “I guess you have not learned. Well I will have to teach you again.” He stated in a lower, colder voice. “Crucio!” Father yelled as she fell to the floor, pain overtaking her. Father repeated the curse many times making her twitch in pain, I held in the screams to plead him to stop that desperately wanted to escape. “Stop Lucius, I believe that is enough. I want her alive. I will have use for her later.” The Dark Lord stated in a commanding voice.

                The curse stopped but the ache from seeing my sister hurt still remained in my heart.  I could only imagine the pain that Alaina has gone through since I left a year and a half ago. My father sat down and mother greeted me kindly. Father believed that sister was the devil child, I was the perfect angel. I hated them for that. Alaina was the angel, I was the devil. “Get up, girl. Go change and get back down here in presentable clothes.” Father spoke to her in the coldest voice I could imagine. She nodded and stood up, as painful as it looked, walking up the stairs with a slight limp. “Father, may I be excused?” I asked, hoping he would allow me to go. He turned his head to me and nodded before returning to his conversation with Lord Voldemort.

                I backed out of the room, as soon as I was out of their sight I ran up the stairs. My destination, the attic, I had to check on her. The after affects of the curse is worse than being hexed one hundred times. I knew Alaina was probably coughing up blood because of how many times she was cursed. I should know I have done it before. I came to her room and walked in without knocking. I had to make sure she was alright. I may be heartless but she is my sister. “Alaina, where are you?” I asked with worry visible in my eyes. She was not on her bed, not anywhere is sight. A cough was heard from the other side of the room. “Brother, what are you doing in here? You should be down stairs with father, mother, and the Dark Lord.” She spoke with soreness in her voice, pain, as I walked over to her. She was on the floor, blood dripping from her mouth. “I was excused. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” I replied and picked her up carefully. As I laid her on her bed, I examined her wounds. She had deep gashes in her arms and stomach that were opened, probably from an old beating that just reopened. “Alaina, you are coming with me back to Hogwarts. I will not leave you here to be abused. I thought that father would never hurt you as he used to hurt me. I was wrong and you had to pay for that.” I stated and I wiped the blood from her lips. “Brother, you know father would never allow that.” She replied as she had a flicker of hope in her eyes. “He will allow it. I will not leave you here. I will tell him that he must allow you to come or I will not go back myself. He will accept.” I said with sternness in my voice. Alaina looked up at me full of hope. “Thank you, brother.” She spoke in her weak voice. I continued to clean her wounds.

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