Lunch break

9 3 1

3rd POV:

Ewan sat tapping his pencil, not bothering about the test on his desk. He sighed and blew air up to push his fringe away from his face.

He turned to see his two other friends, who were writing away.

He stared back out the window,only for his teacher to clear her throat loudly, look at the sheet, then back at him.

He opened his calculator were ⏃ small cheat-sheet was hidden, and luckily without being caught, cheated through most the test.


Resulting in him getting 80%, the same as one of his friends, who didn't cheat.

With a sigh, Ewan grabbed the test score, and left the maths classroom.

He made his way down to the social area, were he opened his locker and put his un-needed things away, closing and locking the metal door.

He had £3 in his pockets, and decided he was going to go to the small chip-shop that had recently been built near the school.

He walked out the main entrance of the school, up the path and out the small gates. He walked past all the people smoking, drinking and...other things.

He continued his way down the path, taking out an ear phone, connecting it to his phone, and pressing shuffle.

He hummed lightly to the tune, as the chip-shop slowly came into vision.

Once he arrived he noticed ⏃ sigh board, that read; 'special offer! £1 fish!'

He smiled and looked at the three pound coins in his pocket.

He opened the door and walked inside, but almost instantly froze when he made eye contact with the blonde boy behind the counter.

He felt as though his heart slipped a beat or two, his cheeks grew warm as ⏃ pink hue flushed his face.

"Hey, what can ⟟ get you today?" The blonde boy behind the counter spoke, as he leaned his elbow on the glass of the showcase, placing his chin on the back of his hand.

Ewan couldn't help but blush more, he struggled to form words. He eventually took in ⏃ long breathe, and let it out as ⏃ sigh.

Ewan approached the counter, placing his phone down.

"Hi I'm ewan, ⟟ go to the school just down the road and heard about this place"
"⟟ go there too! Well, used to, ⟟ dropped out last year"
"Oh, how come?"
"Not to sure all honesty,didn't have a lot of friends, or good grades, it wasn't getting me anywhere" he responded with ⏃ scoff at the end.

"Is the deal still on?" Ewan questioned, pointing his thumb over his shoulder or the sign outside.

"Then, I'll have ⏃ £1 fish" ewan said before laughing, the boy behind counter laughed ⏃ little aswell, before opening one of the cardboard boxes to put the fish in.

The two of them continued to talk, later discovering the boys name was Frazer.

Once he got his lunch, he bid farewell to Frazer, and started heading back to the school building. But the blonde boy remained in his mind, ⏃ linger sense of warmth and comfort lay in the back of his mind.

He eventually made his way past the green gates, down the stairs, into the entrance, through the social area, and to the table his friends were sitting at.

"Sup gay boy" one of ewan friends greeted as he sat down, this was Blair.
"⟟ told you I'm not fucking gay!"
"Pan" they argued back to Ewan's statement
"Bi" they argued
"Bi with ⏃ preference of girls" they placed this as more of ⏃ question
"Blair I'm straight!" Ewan's finally snapped at them.

"Hm~ so you weren't blushing and fawning over Frazer" Aimie spoke, giving ⏃ sly fox-like glance at ewan, ⏃ shit-eating grin plastered on her face.

"Frazer, the boy at the chip shop, he texted me panicking. 'Omg Aimie ⏃ super cute boy just walked in!'" Aimie spoke in ⏃ mimicking tone making ewan blush even more.

" h-huh?! What!"
"Mhm! And don't forget the 'HES soooo pretty aimie, he looks so kind!' And the 'omg he introduced himself, and he's blushing! ⟟ think i have ⏃ chance!'" She spoke again in the same mimicking tone.

"Oo damn get it ⟟ guess" allegria spoke glancing at ewan.

"You know him!"
"Hell yeah! He used to hang about at our table in second year, you two were there best of friends" Beth spoke, looking ewan as if he was most stupid person in the whole world, she wasn't wrong about that.

Ewan mumbled "shut up" under his breath, lowering his head into the table as ⏃ red hue appeared on his cheeks again, thinking of the boy.

He looked so perfect in Ewan's eyes, not ⏃ singled imperfection or flaw to be seen on the blonde.

"Ewan" Blair whispered so no one else would hear, nudging him slightly.
"Hm?" He asked, slowly turning his head to face them.
"Is that lover boy?~" Blair said in ⏃ sing-song voice. Pointing to ⏃ boy walking into the school.

Ewan's head shot up as fast as it could, his face red-end even more as he approached their table.

"You left this" he spoke handing ewan what apeared to be ⏃ phone, open and unlocked.

"Oh shit- thanks"
"No problem" Frazer said as he walked away again.

Ewan smiled softly, blinded by love if you will. He watched as Frazer walked away.

"Oo lalal~"
"I'm gonna kill you!" Ewan yelled turning to Blair.
"Look at your phone dumb-ass"

He then flipped his phone and noticed his contacts were open.



Ewan's face quickly turned red.

"⟟ left my phone open...!"
"Smooth~" Blair spoke, nodding their head lightly.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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