The Words

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This is my First prompted One shot so I hope you all enjoys it, I love the prompt so hopefully I’ve done it justice. J Sorry for the late Upload but I wrote this then deleted it so had to redo it and ive been sooooo busy with Mocks and revision.

Prompt – Please could you write a really soppy Olly coming out story? Something like he’s already with Jaymi but nobody knows he’s gay and something happens which means he has to tell everyone and Jaymi helps him with how. Really soppy and cute.

Disclaimer- I don’t know anything about either of the boys coming out/ family and friends feelings towards it and reactions, apart from what has been told to the media. I will add in the small facts that everyone was made aware of but apart from that it will be all my own writing just so everybody knows J  

(If you would like to send me a prompt please leave it in the comments of email me on the email on my profile. I don’t check the emails very often so comments would be better.)

Hope you enjoy it :)

For almost a year now Jaymi and Olly had been happily lazing around as Boyfriend and Boyfriend. Olly stayed at Jaymi’s a considerable amount of time and last night was no different. Only this time, Olly had forgotten his cover story.

The boys sat chatting about they’re day ahead at a local park whilst munching on the breakfast Jaymi had laid on for them. The park was both boys favourite place as it was so calming with the streams running straight through it and so quiet as it was hardly ever populated. All of a sudden Olly’s phone almost vibrated of the table as a new text came through, he quickly picked it up and read the message, praying Jaymi wouldn’t look up and see the terrified look his face was fronting.

‘Hi Son.

Got up to see the doors still on latch so you’re clearly still out. Always nice to let us know.


Ooh Shit. He’d completely forgotten that he said he would be home but Anyway he was almost 19 why was he still being babied, he was allowed a life. Olly had to think quickly about how to reply. He couldn’t tell her the truth she’d go mental if she knew about Jaymi, he was gunna have to use his usual excuse.

‘Hey Mum,

So sorry I completely forgot. It was so late when I got back to Sophie’s last night so I just crashed there. You don’t have to leave the door on latch tonight because I said I’d go out with some of the lads so I’ll see you tomorrow :) xx’

The reply was almost instant.

‘Okay no worries.

You seem to be spending a lot of time at Sophie’s lately, you know she’s always welcome around here ;)’

Now his mum was completely barking up the wrong tree. If only she really knew where he really was? Who he was with? And who her son really was. Olly was brought back into reality when Jaymi noticed how quiet he’d been.

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