Part 2 - RAYA

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Namaari's right hand lets go of my wrist, slowly, and brushes my hair off my forehead, behind my left ear. I reach up and do the same to her hair, so silky and soft. She smiles. Her eyes shutter and she leans in as I put my hand behind her head and pull her to me at the same time. Our lips meet softly. Her left hand slides up my palm and her fingers slip between my splayed ones. Kissing her is like being born anew from stone again, an awakening. I've waited for this moment. Sometimes I thought it would happen, when we're sitting outside Heart under the trees together, fingers touching in the grass. Or when saying goodbye after our week long stays at each other's homes, under the morning sun, hugging tight. Or late at night as we lay on our bed rolls under the stars, facing each other, whispering and just appreciating what we have now and fought so hard for.
We part and stare at each other again, faces hot, eyes bright.
I want to touch and taste her again but I know she can get scared, I have to be sure she wants this, and so does she.
Namaari has always been sensitive, (oh boy, it was so easy to push her buttons and make her snarl!) When we became friends again after bringing back the dragons, she was so careful in all her actions, slow and cautious, treating our newfound connection like a silk thread. But I knew, the moment I chose to finally trust her again, and give her my dragon gem, here in the ruins of Fang, that her heart was good, and she just had to take that step forward, to doing what she knew was the right thing.
And as the months went on, I noticed things I said or looks I gave her started to make her blush or tuck her hair bashfully behind her ear. I noticed the time that passed between looks, and I noticed how her mouth moved when she talked, or slept, or smiled at me. I noticed that our friendship had always been something more.
Feeling sudden pride and elation, with my left hand I grab a pillow in arms reach and smoosh it into her face. So lost in the aftermath of our first kiss, she doesn't even fend the pillow away fast enough. Her eyes go wide and she reaches for another pillow as I laugh and roll out from under her.
We fight and laugh on the bed for minutes, the pillow fight turning rough with competitiveness, until I have her pinned beneath me, straddling her hips, arms raised to bring the pillow down on her face again. But I don't, my pause a deliberate unasked question, even though she so let me pin her down, have you decided on what you want? Do you want me yet?
One pillow has torn slightly and a few white feathers float to the bed around us, taking an eternity, as if time is slowly in this one, significant moment, holding its breath, like I find I am holding mine. But without hesitation, reading my eyes, Namaari brings her hands back up to my face to pull me to her and I drop my pillow and meet her kiss with a small whimper. Arched over her, my blood on fire, we kiss again, gently, our tongues slightly grazing with curiosity. Her hands roam my hair and neck, down my back and around my hips. After a tiny pause they move around to rest on my backside.
We kiss for a long time, feeling each other's smiles occasionally amongst our lips.
Eventually Namaari's warm fingers slide up to the hem of my shirt and slip beneath to explore my sides and lower back. She senses the change - the shiver - in my breath and daringly grabs the hem of the shirt and slides it up. I lean back to help slip my shirt over my head and toss it aside. I'll forever savour the look on her face the first time seeing my chest bare before her, all hers for the taking if she wants me.
Caloused and gentle, her fingers run lines up and down my spine as she takes me in, and decides where to continue. She sits up to kiss my mouth and then my jaw. Her fingers venture to my stomach and my lower lip is quivering with every breath. I never realised the need of someone's touch could be so powerful, and make me feel so weak. How the aching want for one another comes out of containment all at once, finally.
Her soft lips are kissing my neck when her hands cup my breasts and begin to knead them, familiarising herself with their pleasant size in her palm.
Her teeth gently bite down on the soft skin on the side of my neck forcing me to take deep controlled breaths, then graze down over my collar bone. I close my eyes and try to stretch out time and enjoy every millisecond of touch from my beautiful friend.
Namaari's mouth explores my breast next and I breath into her hair.
Hoarsely, she says, "You are beautiful, Dep La."
"So are you." I breathe back, inhaling her familiarity.
Primal fire and desire surge through me and I am overcome with need, need, need.
"Let's get under the blankets." I say.
"Are we doing this?" Namaari asks breathily, but not with caution. She pulls back to drag her eyes up to mine.
"Only if you want to as much as I do." I reply and she needs not confirm with words; her expression says it all. We wiggle under the tight covers and Namaari climbs on top, one leg between mine, her hips lowering.
"This is coming off." I grunt, grabbing the hem of her shirt and sliding it over her grinning face. She huffs a laugh. Her brown torso is beautiful. Her breasts are more ample than mine and it makes me feel nothing but excitement. Her stomach is defined with hard muscle, just as I imagined it'd be. My hands go straight to her peaked nipples and then our mouths smash together again and our kissing becomes nothing but pure hunger, all tongue and hot breath. Her leg moves between mine, driving herself closer to me, filling every space to get more, more, more... Namaari...

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