all she wants, belongs

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if i breath a single word of our truth, where will you bury it?
wherever our promises collide they collude like star crossed lovers amid their greatest tower moment, grasping to fingerprints and the moment they'd learned to kiss. a blue touched admiration that is destined to remain stoic in a time that stops with the most grace. though i've learned how time can also move.
i'll always catch you is what i want to add to every whisper you've casted to the moon—or someone else—regardless of how far we'd fall.
i'd sit beside you on the carpet that sinks underneath the wall heater, press my hands there next to yours, knotted to boundless sear in some silent prayer that won't belong to you for some time.
a forever kind of love that sings away your battered up self worth and wasted potential. i'd never fail to entwine you in the hug of everything i love about myself and wish i could watch you uncover. eventually. time. promised.
you'd peer within the prism of me with a smile that cradles nothing for many years. and only now am i allowed to embrace it.
so i would, hold us there with, "you belong. and  i promise to live for you."
if i told you lies, would you wish for truth?
wherever you belong, so do i.

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