Meeting Minerva McGonagall

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"Who could that be?" Robert asked,"No clue."replied Jean. Hermione's father went to check the door as her mother finished breakfast. A few minutes later her father came in and asked to talk to her mother. "I wonder what is going on" Thought Hermione. Just then both of her parents walked in."Hermione dear, there is a lady hear who would like to talk to you."said her Father."Ok, coming"replied Hermione,so they go into the living room.

She walks in to see a stern yet kind looking Scottish woman."She looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen her" Hermione thinks. She gives a polite smile to the woman and sits down. "Hello my name is Hermione, what is yours?"Hermione said. The woman gave a smile."My name is Professor Minerva McGonagall , I teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"She replies. Hermione raises a eye brow. "Magic isn't real it's something made up to entertain young children."She said, the woman just smiled at her, raised her own brow and said,"Have you ever done things that don't make sense or something other people can't do?"

Hermione thought this over. When she thought about it, she realized, yes she can do odd things. When she was six, she made her stuffed animals dance without touching them. Or, when one of the girls at school where mean to her and the other girl wound up covered in mud, but it was a dry sunny day. The more she thought about it, the more she was curious about it.

"Ok, I'm intrigued, tell me more." Said Hermione to the Professor. Minerva smiled,"What if I can show you, would you believe me then?" She asked. Hermione thought about this if she shows her and it's anything like what she can do then it can't be a lie."Ok." Hermione agreed. One hour and a bunch of questions later, Minerva was about to leave.

"One more thing, Miss Granger. I will be coming back in a few months to pick you up to go to Diagon Ally to pick up your school book and wand. You will start school September 1st next year." With that she left.

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