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you say you're sensitive,

yet you're insensitive to others,

you gaslit us and guilt tripped us.

you say you hate being misgendered,

yet failed to tell us your preferred pronouns,

instead shouting at us for not realising you were uncomfortable,

when you never told us to use they/them,

just she/her up until then.

you say you've came back,

yet leave again when someone asked "where were you?"

you're so hypocritical.

telling us it's your own opinion,

when i said if it made you uncomfortable,

you could mute the chat,

you still told us how it was wrong,

to jokingly cancel a toxic person,

you cling to toxic relationships,

just for the memories,

when will it get in you're head,

that you're just as bad as your memories?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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