Chapter 2: Inside Agent

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Bruce's POV

I grabbed the rebreather from Damian's hand and pushed it over his mouth. He sucked it in, but it didn't seem to be helping much. He had already inhaled too much water.

I grabbed his upper arm and started swimming into the hole, which had light showing farther in.

Quickly enough, it opened up into another part of the sewer and I found a latter and quickly climbed up out of the giant hole where the water had been coming from.

A laid him on the ground and started CPR, just a few pushes in and he was coughing up water onto the ground. I looked around as he coughed, noticing the decor. This must be Killer Croc's base of operations.

At least, very close to it.

"That water tastes horrible." Damian said unhappily as he stood up.

I got up from my kneeling position and stood up as well.

"Well, well, well. I definitely wasn't expecting this." A husky voice said, stepping into the light.

He must have felt the vibrations of the explosion.

Ten men were behind him, luckily, they didn't have guns.

I glanced at Damian out of the corner of my eye, if Croc wasn't here this situation would be fine. But Damian was just unconscious, I don't know if he could take ten men on his own while I dealt with Croc.

But there was no other choice, so after I nodded to Damian silently, we both charged.

Killer Croc laughed and swung out a fist, I ducked under it and kicked his kneecap, sending him stumbling slightly forward.

He was off balance, so I punched him twice in the small of his back. He growled and swung around, both fists swinging.

I jumped back, landing expertly on the slick floor. He charged forward again and I jumped over his outstretched arm, landing for a moment on his shoulder and then kicking off again.

I glanced at Robin, he seemed to be doing fine.

I threw three batarangs at Croc, all of which stuck in the forearm he shielded himself with. He roared in pain while I grabbed a syringe out of my belt.

I quickly went to stab him with it, but he swung his other fist out and hit me in the chest. I flew backwards over the chasm and fell 20 feet down into the water. I sputtered and grabbed the latter again, quickly climbing forward.

As soon as I reached the top again, however, I saw Croc holding a struggling Robin in one of his large arms, his teeth placed extremely close to the boy's neck.

I froze and my vision tunneled, focusing on Robin for just a second. That is exactly how I lost the battle, because a pole swung out from my side and I wasn't fast enough to get away.

It smacked me in the forehead, knocking me back into the chasm. I was unconscious before I hit the water.

Merida's POV

I've been trying to crack a large piece of brick off of this wall for about a week now. Today, I finally got a good chunk.

All the overs had broken into peices that were far too small.

I ripped a small hole in the top of my ragged shirt. Then I reopened an old cut on my calf and blood gushed out. It was no big deal though because I had my old clothes in here. It was about time I got new ones.

I quickly pulled off my shirt and held it against the wound, soaking up blood into the fabric around the hole.

Then when it looked like there was a lot of blood, I put it back on and wrapped the calf wound in an old pair of pants.

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