"it was like i had been dreaming because as soon as i came out of this trance of my psychotic break- there was nothing in my brain besides those murders- nothing of what i had done in between those murders stayed in mind. And if i hadn't just had a psychotic break, my dreams and the constant lingering thoughts of me murdering people would have made go completely and utterly insane."

taking a glance at her siblings, she saw alec and tiana showcasing a small look of sympathy, as even though they had heard of what lilith had gotten up too at her time at kings dominion, they hadn't heard it from her perspective. and it broke them to see lilith look so vulnerable as she recalled the traumatic events.

bringing her eyes from her two siblings, she ignored marcus's gaze on her, instead lilith brought her eyes back to jason- whom had a look of surprise momentarily before covering it with a smug expression- almost like he was putting on a mask.

"so that's it. i had a psychotic break and i just turned into a cold hearted bitch- getting into fights whenever and whoever i could. and the rest- well you can figure out the rest." marcus watched lilith send a quick glance his way, almost like she was saying that the rest of the story involved marcus and their time at kings dominion.

"oh yes. that little thing over there is your weakness I've come to learn over the last few years." jason said with a smirk, lilith noticing the darkness in his tone. he had a smug look on his face once more, lilith being so close to just throwing the dagger she had hidden inside her jeans, straight for jason's head.

"you don't bring him into this."

"but why not lilith? he is the reason why you've gotten so soft. I would never thought you would have gotten yourself so heartbroken over a pathetic dickhead like that."

marcus glared, the narrowing of his eyes having caught jason's attention, bringing an amusement look to appear on the deranged boy that was lilith's brother.

"oh i think i struck a nerve with him." jason taunted, not keeping his eyes off marcus whilst his words were directed towards lilith.

"back off jason- he has nothing to do with you and this fuckery you intend to play. if you want to cause us harm. fucking do it already. i told you what you wanted to know. i told you the story for my psychotic breaks, so choose your next actions carefully before i shove that hand of yours down your own fucking throat."

a sense of pride glossed over samuel's face at his youngest nieces words- the girl showing her true behaviour of being a grey. over the few years of her living here with the rest of the king dominion students, samuel had seen the similarities she had to her parents. her protective nature- both a characteristic of her mother and father, all the way to her confrontational side. however, that characteristic came from her mother more than her father.

which was ironic, as her father was the one from a mafia family, her mother having come from a 'normal' background. sure lilith's father was the hardcore man, who never showed his sweet side to anyone- him having often described himself as heartless- until he had met lilith's mother- where he had turned into a massive softie.

and that kind of reminded samuel of lilith's and marcus's relationship. the dynamic the two had of her being very protective of him, not wanting anyone to see her vulnerability and the heart she liked to insist she didn't have- it was very much what her parents had.

"what would you do if harm was to come his way marcus? would that bring out the psycho in you? cause I'm curious to see it."

lilith snarled, her hand going down to her jeans where the knife was situated, her forking a tight grip around the weapon. jason was loving this all too much, him riling up his sister, so she would do exactly what he wanted her to do.

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