Chapter Four: Just a weird dream

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*Zach's POV*

What just happened?

I saw Jessie from earlier sitting on the bench, but when I came over to see if she was okay, we somehow ended up kissing?!

The weirdest part was... it felt right.

I left Jessie on the bench and hurried away, taking a walk to clear my head.

"Hey, man!" One of my basketball teammates, John, walked up to my, his hand extended.


"Where've you been? Practice has been going on for an hour!"

"Oh. I guess I forgot." An hour?! How long were Jessie and I just staring at each other in shock? It didn't feel like an hour.

"Yeah, that's okay man. Breakups are rough. I'll tell Coach you got a headache or somethin. See ya." John ran off towards the gym.

I walked home, deciding to skip the rest of school. I needed some time to think.

Did that really just happen?

Maybe this is all just a weird dream.

A weird dream where Tanya cheated on me and I kissed a girl I didn't know at all.

I really hope so.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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