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The air was cold and brisk inside the House where Ava and Peter were stood. Well, Peter was more sitting than standing. 

"Peter, please. You have to get up and go before Harry and Mirena come back." Ava pleaded, tugging at the collar of his shirt. 

"Please don't hate me." He whispered. "Please."

"I-" She sighed, clenching her jaw. "How can I not?" She looked down at the man below her, wondering why he did what he did. Though, she couldn't find an answer. 

Peter formed his lips into a thin line before speaking. "Do you think we could be happy again?" 

Ava sucked in a sharp breath. "Peter..."

"Do you think Mirena could forgive me for leaving her?" Peter tugged at Ava's jumper and looked up at her. 

His eyes were extremely bloodshot and his hair was disheveled from Ava's hands running through it so much. "You think Harry would forgive me?" He whimpered. 

Ava knew she had to tell him the truth. But the problem was, she didn't know the truth. She didn't know if Harry or Mirena would have forgiven him. But, most of all, she didn't know if she could forgive him either. 

"I don't know, Peter." She said, looking down at him. Her eyes were also bloodshot from crying so much and her hair was tied back into a bun that hung messily on the back of her neck. "I don't know." 

"Do you still love me?" He asked hopefully. Though, he should have known what answer he might get. The possible 'no' she could have said tore his mind to pieces. 

Ava thought back on every possible memory her and Peter had during their times at school. The happier ones. In truth, Ava knew the answer to his question and she had known for a while. But, she just couldn't let it get in the way of protecting her family. 

"I do, Peter. I really do." She breathed shakily, holding his face in her hands. 

Yet, she did. 


(TW: sensitive topics)

The swings creaked as Harry and Mirena swung back and forth on them lightly, barely leaving the ground. A silence coated the air that hung around them, though it was comfortable. The two had been hanging around the swings and not really saying anything. Harry had been thinking about Sirius and how everything went down at the Shrieking Shack. He was wondering what his life could have been like had his mum and dad survived Voldemort. 

But, Mirena had been thinking differently. Flashing images of her supposed father's face went just as fast as they came. She'd wondered what he'd been doing all her life. Why he left, she didn't know. All she knew was that when her mother spoke of him, she sounded hurt and empty. Part of Mirena blamed her father for leaving, but the other just blamed herself. Had she not been good enough? Was she not wanted? Even though she didn't entirely know, she still thought those things. Ava had always told Mirena she was a miracle since Ava couldn't have kids, and sometimes she believed her being a miracle was true. But, sometimes she just didn't want to be here anymore. 

"Mirena?" Harry broke the tension and looked at her.

Mirena blinked her eyes and whipped her head lightly to meet Harry's gaze. "What?" She asked.

"Are you," He paused, sucking in a breath. "Okay?"

Mirena looked at him for a bit before turning her gaze to the ground below her. "I guess." She mumbled.

"I'm not dumb." Harry stated, still watching her as she began to kick her feet on the ground.

'Sometimes I doubt that." She thought, cracking an almost invisible smile.

"You can tell me, Miri." Harry placed his left hand on her right, trying to defuse some of the uncomfortableness. 

"I know I can. It's just hard." She said, clenching her jaw slightly.

Harry pulled his brows together in confusion before Mirena spoke again. "It just feels weird to talk about my feelings." She looked at him, "Makes me feel weak." She mumbled.

"I get that." Harry reassured, squeezing her hand. "It'll get better, give it time."

"I should be telling you that, Harry." She mumbled, smiling a bit. 

"We both need to hear it." Harry said, smiling as well. 

Raindrops began to fall from the sky, falling on their, already cold, bodies. Both of them looked up and more raindrops fell from the sky, feeling colder than they were. 

Harry stood up and held out his hand for Mirena to take. "Come one."

"Are we going back inside?" Mirena looked at the house before quickly furrowing her brows at a peculiar looking figure standing in the kitchen with Ava. "Harry-" She said but Harry cute her off.

"Dance with me in the rain!" Harry smiled, pulling at her hand. 

Mirena tried to talk again but she stopped just when she looked back and saw that Ava and the figure were no where in sight. Though, all thought went away once more rain started to fall, soaking their clothes. Harry pulled Mirena along most of the dance while they jumped around and giggles erupted from them both. 

"I'm cold, Harry!" Mirena tugged him toward the house and Harry groaned playfully, but he followed. 

"Alright, Alright." Harry said, following her across the road and toward the house


"Peter, they're coming back." Ava pleaded, grabbing onto his shirt now that he stood in front of her instead of kneeling. 

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life knowing I'll never know my child." Peter pulled at her back, their foreheads resting together. 

"I get that, I do." Ava breathed.

Ava and Peter were both extremely close, their bodies not having an inch of space between them. Peter was a bit taller than her, so her head rested on his shoulders and his on her temple. Peter leant his head down a bit so their eyes met and they both stared at each other for a while. 

"Peter." Ava warned lightly and shakily, hoping he would not choose what he was thinking.

"Ava." He said back, brushing their lips together before he was shoved away abruptly. 

"No." Ava sighed, rubbing her eyes with her hands. "You can't."

"Yes, I can! I love you, don't you love me!?" Peter pleaded warily.

Ava looked at him, knowing he was right. She did love him, but mot enough to lose her respect for herself. "Get out." She pointed to the door that had been left open when Peter first came in. 


"!" Ava said, pointing at the door once again. 

"Fine." Peter sighed heavily before disappearing in a wave of black smoke, making Ava jump and let out a small scream. 

Ava processed what had just happened and a new sudden wave came over her. Now, she suddenly felt like her mother. She felt the need to protect her daughter from her father.

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