Chapter 1

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"Today is a day." Say Yuxin to herself while wear a neck tie. Yuxin smile noticing a figure behind her lean on the room wall.

She smile and only look at the figure throught the mirror "Hudson, thanks for company me for this whole journey." Say Yuxin.

The figure named Hudson only smile and walk toward Yuxin patting her head. "You're welcome kid." Say Hudson.

"But, the journey is still long you just want to debut today." Say Hudson, Yuxin turned her head to facing Hudson. "There's is still more thing to do and I'm sure you can do it." Say Hudson giving a warm smile.

Yuxin nod her head and within sudden Hudson disappeared.

Yuxin act like no one talk to her when hear someone open the door. Revealing Xueer.

"Xueer, what's the matter?" Ask Yuxin when the door fully open. "Just checking on you because I hear you talking to someone earlier." Say Xueer.

Hearing those words make Yuxin's lung become speed but she must look calm.

"Really? But no one in my room accept myself and you just come." Say Yuxin lie without stuttered. "Maybe it just my imagination." Say Xueer scratching her hair.

"Yeah, it just your imagination." Say Yuxin while look back at mirror fixing her hair. "Anywhere, let's go!" Say Xueer excited want to take Yuxin's hand to go with her.

"Nah, you go first I will come later." Say Yuxin and coincidently Shuxin just pass by Yuxin's room with Xiaotang. "Okay, then I go with Shuxin." Say Xueer and out from Yuxin's room.

Once the door closed, Yuxin lean back on the wall while hold her chest feeling the lung rate become high.

Yuxin find her mediction in her drawer and found it. Take it out hurriedly and eat it. She sit on the chair to relaxing herself "What a lucky people with disorder can act like true one." Say Yuxin to herself.

After 10 minute, she walk out from her dorm like nothing happen "Liu laoshi." Shout Keran and Linfan from behind Yuxin while run toward her.

"Let's go to the hall together." Say Linfan like cute kid. Jumpimg until reach the hall. Yuxin laugh at Linfan behavior while Keran shyly closed her face.

When everyone already at the hall and ready the camera start recording until the time that everyone wait come.

"Congratulation to ... Liu Yuxin for winning the first place." Say Kun. Yuxin bowl and take the mic for giving a speech.

Everyone look at Yuxin which giving a speech but far from Yuxin's mind is 'What kind of speech is this? Nevermind, after this I will surely get mad from everyone.'

After the show, they giving a hug and say congrat to each other. Yuxin go asking to Shuxin about her speech.

"It amazing Yuxin and why you ask like that?" Ask Shuxin "Nothing, just ask and sorry if I bother you and congrat." Say Yuxin.

"Why you say always say sorry Yuxin throught this show whenever with everyone? You not make any mistake and you are not bother me." Say Shuxin which find it weird to Yuxin 'sorry' word.

"Just." Say Yuxin smiling toward Shuxin.

On that night, everyone feeling tired from an event and Yuxin packaging her bag since tomorrow she need to go airport with her group.

After she finish packaging her bag and checking multiple time if there any medictions that she scared that left on drawer.

She lay down on the bed and play the phone. Shuxin word suddenly display in her mind 'Why you always say sorry Yuxin throught this show whenever with everyone?'

Yuxin sigh putting her phone down to her chest and look back to her phone "Is you still alive dad." Say Yuxin look at her late dad picture with her.

When she eight year old and it the last picture she take together with her dad before her dad pass away.

Yuxin closed her eye feeling sleepy and drive to her dream.


Zhang Phan : Hello everyone, how are you guys? I hope you guys in pink of health also above the header have my real face that I reface to movie. Anyway, hope you guys have a nice day. Bye.😊

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