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The doctor is now taking my vitals, I don't really know what. After Joanna went to fetch him, my mind and body became more sluggish.

I just know that I feel relieved after saying that to Joanna. It's probably unfair to Eva that I told her best friend, whom I barely know, before Eva herself but right now I am, as Joanna said, tending to myself. And getting the words out in the open made my head feel lighter.

"Oh goddamn you asshole. Joanna Brittany Brooke, why the fuck did you not tell me?!" are the words that come in rushing to my room before the woman herself is there, all in her raging glory.

There's a tender looking bruise on the right side of Eva's jaw and a white bandage dressing on her upper right arm, but other than that she looks fine.

I mean fine physical health-wise. Seeing the expression on her face, though, is making me scared for Joanna's life.

"You were resting. And stop shrieking, banshee." Joanna also comes into the room with two cups of coffee in her hand.

Eva takes one from her and says, "If I wasn't holding this cup of a very vital beverage, I'd punch the shit out of you, Jo."

Joanna just rolls her eyes exaggeratedly, already familiar with Eva's dramatic statements.

"You're so full of shit that—"

"Can you two keep it quiet?" It occurs to the doctor to instruct that. Like, finally! Because I was gonna shut them up any second. My ears hurt.

Eva raises her hands while Joanna gracefully backs out of the room with a sincere, if small, smile in my direction.

"Will she be okay?" Eva asks Dr. Liu who's clearly very annoyed at this loud interruption.

"You don't have to start with the movie dialogs, Ms. Bridgers. Charley is okay. I've given all the necessary meds and an orderly will be here soon to take the morphine out." He pats my head. "You won't need it anymore, hon."

I give him as strong a smile as I can muster and he too goes out of the room after giving me a nod that I take as supportive or appreciative.

"Hey," Eva sits down at the chair beside my bed, "you look like shit."

I choke on plain air for a second before getting out, "Uh-huh, you're welcome."

She grabs my hand and puts it to her cheek. Her skin is warm and my fingertips tingle, wanting more, while my mind buzzes, wanting less.

"Thank you wouldn't be enough for what you did, so I thought why bother."

I decide to not pull away my hand for the time being.

"We did it together, Eva. Plus, nothing I did was for your thankfulness." After a pause, I add, "I did it just to save my own ass."

Finally, finally, that wretched expression on her face dims and a smile usurps her face.

"How very noble of you, Ms. Leigh."

"Why, thank you Ms. Bridgers."

Eva leans forward and touches her forehead to mine and murmurs, her breath touching mine, "God, I missed you. I mean you were out for only a few hours but I still missed you. I was worried."

Actually I take that back; her breath doesn't touch mine because I don't think I have any left.

I lean forward with as much strength as I can muster and crush our lips together in a heavenly pairing. This would be the last time I'd be kissing her and I want to savor that.

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