The guilt was eating away at her and it was what she deserved.

It wasn't long before it was revealed to Alex that she was right about her aunt. She was only there for the money, promised to her by a private investigator.

She stood close to where her mother was sitting, waiting for Maddie to return with Ginny and the boys.

Soon enough, she did. She opened the front door, walking into the house with a large smile on her face. "Hi! We got butter pecan, your fave!" Maddie called out as she walked into the dining room to notice how serious the mother-duo looked.

Maddie frowned, turning her head to see her belongings had been packed into two suitcases.

"Why are their bags packed?" She asked, beginning to frown in concern.

"They're leaving," Georgia answered her daughter's question.

"No!" Austin cried out upon hearing the news, "Why?"

"Because it's time for them to go," She replied and Maddie scoffed loudly.

"Really? Is that what we're doing?" Maddie spoke up, not surprised by Georgia's coldness.

"Ginny, take your brother upstairs," Georgia demanded, her eyes fixed on Maddie.

"No, Mom, it's okay. We talked," Ginny assured Georgia, only to watch as Maddie began to laugh.

She placed down the two cartons of ice cream she had bought for Georgia and Alex onto the table. She walked toward her sister, smiling sarcastically.

"You haven't changed, Mary," Maddie spoke up and Alex felt uneasy, knowing that was her mother's birth name, "Only lookin' out for yourself. Who cares what happens to everyone else? As long as Mary ends up on top."

"Mary? Who's Mary?" Ginny asked as she frowned in confusion.

Maddie smiled and slowly turned to face her niece. "Who's Mary?" She replied and turned back to Georgia, "Yeah. Who is Mary?"

"Upstairs, Ginny," Georgia demanded in a stern tone, "You, too, Alex. Take Austin."

"Mom, what is--" Ginny began to say as Georgia continued to glare at Maddie.

"I said now!" Georgia shouted and Austin ran for the stores alongside Caleb.

Ginny glared at her mother but followed after the boys.

Alex took a bit longer, glancing between the two sisters before she moved toward the stairs. She didn't walk up, however. She stood on the bottom step, listening to the conversation occurring between her mother and Maddie.

"Well, this feels familiar!" Maddie exclaimed as she began to pace, "It's like New Orleans all over again."

Georgia glared at Maddie and stood up to face her fully. "How dare you come to my house and meet my children?"

Maddie laughed at Georgia, clearly not taking her seriously. "So high and mighty. Don't get a nosebleed up there on your high horse," She warned Georgia, who slowly moved toward her until they were standing directly in front of each other, "You may have fooled everyone else in this place, but I know you. And that daughter of yours? Alex?" She laughed and shook her head, "She's just like you, bound to end up like you too. A cold-hearted woman who's out for no one but herself. To hell with everyone else."

Georgia continued to glare at Maddie. She dug into her pocket, just before slamming an envelope filled with cash down on the table next to where they stood.

Maddie turned to glance at the money before looking back at her sister. "What is that?"

"Ten grand," Georgia answered her sister calmly, "Double what you asked for."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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