"Well shit you might have to put yo pride aside for a minute and be dependable for a while, cause this shit is serious."

After a minute Zay and Teetee came over and she gave me a hug.

"You okay ?" She asked and I nodded

"My family talk to y'all ?" I asked them and they looked at each other

"We'll talk about it at the house." She told me and I nodded



"Janiya I'm deadass I think you need to go the the doctor." I told her

"It's nothing, I was feeling like this the other day they said it was nothing." She told me before rubbing over her stomach

"I'm calling jr."

"Bitch no." She told me before snatching my phone and I smacked my teeth

"I'm fine." She told me before taking a deep breath and I put my hands up in surrender

She attempted to get up and I had to help her before she raised her eyebrows and waddled away. When I looked at where she was sitting I noticed a big ass wet puddle and my eyes went wide


"Shut up." She told me and I cleared my throat

"So you don't feel that ?" I asked her

"Feel what?" 

"Janiya." I said again and she looked down before her mouth dropped

"Is that-

"Your water broke, let's go baby." I chuckled and she looked at me in disbelief

"Not yet, it can't be yet I'm not due for another two weeks What the fuck ?" She asked before she started to pant and I guided her towards the door

"Calm down Niya." I told her

"Bitch calm down-

Interrupting her she held her stomach and groaned in pain causing Shawn to come down

"Get her hospital bag and the car seat" I told him but his dumbass stood there in shock.

"Da'Shawn !" We both yelled in sync and he backed up and hurried upstairs

I helped Janiya into the car and the contractions started to hit so she was sub more and more pin


"Go in there mr daddy." I told Jr and he started to pace

"Why isn't Kay ass answering the phone..?" He asked and I smacked my teeth

"Jr go !" I told him before trying to push him inside but he fought back

"Why are you so scared ? You did it nigga." I said and he smacked his teeth

"It's gon be bloody, where the fuck is Kay.." he said again and I sighed

"I'll get her Jr just go, you gon be straight." I told him and he nodded before finally going in.

My phone started to ring and I assumed it was my ma so I answered without even looking

"Yeah ?"

"Hey sis." I heard and I furrowed my eyebrows


"Yeah, you good ?" She asked and I didn't say anything

"I'm fine, now isn't a good time actually." I told her before hanging up and I looked at Shawn

A Quiet Girl's Thug (Family edition).Where stories live. Discover now