Part 7

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Everyone went home

Amy spent time with julie

Amy i love you julie heather hearts

Julie smiles

Amy lays her head on her lap

Amy julie

Julie yeah

amy do your friends like me

Julie tickles her

Amy giggles

Julie of course they like you they support us being lesbians

Amy yeah true most people don't do that

Amy you always know how to make me smile

Julie it's my job silly

Amy smiles yeah it is to make me happy

Julie smiles i do love you alot amy

Julie you are the first girl i loved

Julie just hope you don't hurt me

Amy i'm not gonna hurt you i promise you are  my first gf anyway

Julie smiles awww

Amy blushes

Julie kisses her

Amy kisses back

Amy can i stay here the night i don't wanna go home

Julie why bebe is something wrong at home

Amy no bebe nothings wrong i just wanted to spent time with you

Julie smiles you will when i get out of school

Amy i can't wait that long

Julie bebe i'm sure you can

Amy puppy eyes

Julie yes you can sleep with me tonight


Julie shh bebe my dad is sleeping

Amy oh sorry bebe

Julie first i gotta shower

Amy kk plz be quick

Julie i will

Julie got up and grabs her towel and went and took a shower

Amy lays under the covers and waits

Julie got out and dries off

julie put on a bra and under

Amy bit his lips

Amy hey sexy

Julie hi

Amy fuck you are so damn sexy

Julie thank you

Julie lays next to her

Amy smiles

Amy lays her head on her boobs

Julie smiles and fell asleep

Amy fell asleep


Brooklyn woke up and got dressed

Brooklyn went to school

Alex went to school

Julie went to school

Kelly went to school

Kelly hey juls

Julie hey

Kelly where's ur gf

Julie shes coming

Kelly awww did she transfer schools for you

Julie yeah she did i was happy

Amy grabs her butt

Julie smiles hi bebe

Amy hi i missed you

Amy i dreamed about you

Julie smiles miss you to and blushes

Kelly AWWW

Julie stop kel

Kelly why it's so cute how you guys talk with each other

Julie don't you do the same with joseph

Kelly yeah i do

Brooklyn hey girls

Aex whats up ladies and gentlemen

Joseph what's up alex and brooklyn

Brooklyn and alex hii

Joseph smiles

Brooklyn hey amy

Amy hi

Alex wait i thought you went to oakdale high school

Amy i did i transferred for my bebe

Brooklyn awww u transferred for julie

Julie blushes hard

Alex smiles and kisses brooklyn cheek

Brooklyn blushes

Alex i love you my amazing wife

Brooklyn i love you to my fantastic husband

Alex smiles

Joseph kisses kelly

Kelly kisses back

Kelly smiles i missed you bebe

Joseph i missed you to

Joseph i will always protect you no matter what

Kelly smiles and says thank you it means alot to me trust me

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