Chapter 20

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You woke up the next morning to the fire still crackling away you had always wondered how netherrack kept the fire burning away endlessly forever. as you stared into the warm orange embers of the fire a thought came to you about Techno once again he had been on your mind ever since Ranboo had told you the bad news of his death you had cried so many times and at this point you couldn't cry anymore you just sat there on the couch in pain you missed him so much and it was all your fault that he died how could you have been so stupid to assume that he already had a way out as these guilt inducing thoughts and feelings washed over you, you didn't hear the trapdoor down to the basement and Tommys room open as the blonde boy climbed up out of it still slightly sleepy but also incredibly hungry as he walked over to you he must have noticed you were awake because he started talking to you but you couldn't hear him over your own voices in your head viciously attacking you for your partners death

Tommy's pov:

As I crawled up from the trap door I looked around as when I first came in I didn't get to really map out everything. there was a small but functional kitchen, I knew there was a brewing area and I think Y/Ns bedroom upstairs there was a living room with a couch and fire and as my eyes scanned the living room I was surprised to see Y/Ns figure laying on the couch just staring at the fire I decided to go see if Y/N was also hungry as I could make her something aswell so as I stood up I walked over to her and thought about what I could make for breakfast as I hadn't ate in a few weeks and was extremely hungry, as I reached the couch I heard her voice muttering something she sounded scared and confused about something as I walked around the couch where I could see her face

her eyes were now a purple black void that kept glitching between colours as her eyes twitched she was crying oily black tears and was muttering in a strange language I recognised as enderlin I ran over to her and tried to comfort her or snap her out of whatever was happening "Y/N what's happening I don't know what to do can you hear me" when she noticed me talking to her she started to calm the mutter g but her eyes were still glitching and she was shaking while still crying then she started talking in English "it's all my fault I'm so sorry Tommy your brother is dead because of me I loved him so much but I'm the reason he's dead I liked him I'm a murderer" she started crying in between her rambling about how she killed Techno I didn't know what to do so I just reached out and
grabbed her shoulders pulling her in for a hug for a second she didn't react but then she hugged me back clinging to me as if I was about to disappear

We stayed like that for a few minutes as she slowly calmed down her eyes going back to normal eventually letting go "I-I'm so sorry they won't leave me alone" she said still shaking "The-the voices Tommy they speak to me" she said in an eerily low voice I was quite nervous to ask but I had to "W-what do they say to you" I asked stuttering slightly "Well Tommy sometimes they tell me a god and sometimes they tell me I'm trapped in the empty void of my own mind in which I can't escape" she said as she started absently scratching her arms accidently cutting herself from stress scratching "uh why don't you stop scratching your arms and come help me make breakfast" I said as I gently grabbed her arms and removed them from her arms she seemed to snap from her trance and gave a weak smile "yeah I'm quite hungry so it would be nice to eat something" she said as she stood up still clinging to my arms as her feet were a bit wobbly

We both slowly approached the kitchen as her legs readjusted to walking eventually she let go of me as she could stand on her own she started saying something to me but I didn't hear as there was a pain in my back that's when I remembered my wings were torn out very viciously so it would hurt alot for a while "I'm sorry could you repeat that my back was hurting a bit" I said as I chuckled nervously she looked worriedly at me "about that Tommy I know I said I would try see if there was a way for them to grow back but the only way they would is if you were exposed to mass amounts of stress, fear and pain unexpectedly, I found out that when that happens it will summon your wings to open up on instinct but if there is no wings present a new pair will shoot out of your back and start growing rapidly"

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