Strange Neighbors

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Larrys pov

"Larbro..bro get uppp"

I opened my eyes at the sudden voice..oh it was just my sister waking me up

"Im up Nirvana, im up"

"Good" she smiled "mom said that there are new people moving into 402 so she said to maybe go and greet them?"

"Fine fine"

"Yay! Well see u later bro brooo"

"See ya sis" damn she can act like a total baby sometimes but hey she is my little sis tho

I walk out of the apartment in my sanitys fall shirt and jeans knowing that our mama is already at work.

As walk into the elevator i press the button for the 4th floor and i waited with annoying elevator music 'jesus why did todd change the music again..'   

I have finally arrived on the 4th floor and as i carelessly walked out of it someone bumped into me..and they ofc  fall congrats larry u just made someone fall on the floor

"Shit! Uh u ok??" i asked the smaller person

"oh uh yeah im fine" they got up without my help. Smh rude

"So ur the new kid here right? I mean i never saw u in this hell hole of a building so im assuming u just moved here"

"Mhm yeah im new here-, im Sal but my friends call me sally face bc of my prosthetic.."

"Well nice to meet ya Sal im Larry i live dont in the basement down with my mom" i shrugged

"Oh my gosh..Larry is that a Sanitys fall shirt??"

"Oh yea, wait how did u notice that its Sanitys fall shirt?"

"Well i listen to them often!"

"Damn thats cool, wanna go to my place and hang out i mean there isnt anything special to do rn-"

"Oh sure!"

"Also if u ever want to hang out here" i have him the card key "this is the card key for the basement"

"thank u"

As we went to the elevator and got down to the basement we opened the apartments door and heard Singular blasting through my room

"what in the name of glitter ponys-"

Sal just stood there confused and probably scared

As i opened my bedrooms door i see Nirvana headbanging to the Sf's song

'god damnit Nirvana'

As i walked to the radio without her noticing  i turned it off and she looked up

"Larbrooooo why did u turn it off???"

I cleared my throat "Nirvana we have a guest if u haven't noticed by now- So get out of my room u have ur own radio at ur own room"

"Ur such a party pooper Larbear"
She playfully hit my arm and walked out to her own room

"Geez she can be such a baby sometimes" i huffed

"Woah i didn't know u have a sister! But she oddly looks young but her style says otherwise i guess"

"yeah that little low lifer is 13" i playfully rolled my eyes

"Wait 13? Gee I didn't known 13 year olds listen to sanitys fall"

i could see that sal was like surprised by the tone in this voice plus i should see his eyes open wide behind his mask

"well apparently that loser does"

"oh also i just released that u and ur sister have matching necklaces which is like super dope!"

"yeahhh she got us the necklaces on like the best friend day thing since we didn't have anything cool to do so we just went to the store and basically bought them"

"mhm i see"

At a moment i shouldve heard mcr blast through Nirvanas room but the noises were muffled

"Damn she really is into music"

"yep- she indeed it"

Gosh this was painful..well anyway this part is kind of boring or sumn idk 💔

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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