Chapter 6

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After we had finished eating we headed to class. We got to class and almost everyone was seated, I took my seat and laid my head on my desk. I was sleepy, I don't get much sleep. I struggle with insomnia and causes my irregular sleep schedule. I started to zone out when I heard the door open and our home room teacher walked in. I had snapped back awake but didn't open my eyes. The teacher never really seemed to care.
Mr. Aizawa: "Class today we are going to get to know each other, make a group of 3 and pick 3 quirks that you would like to have. Get into groups, that's all."
I decided to open my eyes and saw he pulled out his sleeping bag and went to sleep. I'm so jealous, I have my sleeping bag but can't sleep in class. The only people I've talked to are Bakugo and Todoroki, I think I'll ask them if they'll be my partners. I traced a circle on Bakugo's back with my finger which made him flinch, it made him stand up straight and turn around with an angry expression.
Bakugo: "Do you want to die?! Do that again and I'll kill you!"
Y/N: "Don't get mad I was just trying to get your attention, let's be partners in the project?"
I was excited and embarrassed to ask someone to be my partner.
Bakugo: "HUH?! What makes you think I'll be your partner?"
Y/N: "I don't know, maybe the fact that no one has asked you yet and most people are already in groups."
I was pointing at groups that had already been formed, in the crowd I saw Todoroki sitting by himself.
Bakugo: "Tsk. Fine! If someone else asks me I'm going with them!"
Y/N: "Yeah, whatever."
I started to get up from my seat, I going to make Todoroki part of our group.
Bakugo: "Are you ignoring me?! DIE!"
Y/N: "I'm not, I'm going to get our last partner!"
I rushed towards Todoroki, I didn't want someone to ask him before me. Ive been wanting to get close to Todoroki but I wasn't sure how but this was a great opportunity.
Y/N: "Todoroki!!"
He was reading a book and my yell made him flinch, he looked up and stared at me.
Todoroki: "Y/N, do you need something?"
He had his usual straight stoned face.
Y/N: "Sorry for yelling but I was wondering if you would like to be partners for the project?"
Todoroki: "... No, I would actually like to work al-"
Y/N: "Come on Todoroki you don't have a partner and this is a group project"
Todoroki: "I suppose so."
Todoroki didn't seem to pleased with the idea of working as a group.
Y/N: "Just so you know Bakugo is also in our group."
He's facial expression didn't change.
We got into our group Bakugo kept his scowl and didn't look happy. Todoroki didn't seem to care. This was awkward no one was saying anything.
Y/N: "So... what quirks should we choose, what do you think is a good quirk?"
Bakugo: "Of course my quirk is awesome! We had to do mine!"
Of course Bakugo wanted to use his quirk though it is a strong quirk.
Y/N: "come on Bakugo I'm pretty sure you can't pick your. We'll have to ask the teacher. Mr. Aizawa are we allowed to use our own quirks?!"
I yelled to Mr. Aizawa who was in his sleeping bag.
Mr. Aizawa: "No, you have to pick different quirks."
Y/N: "See Bakugo, you have pick a different one. I want to pick a strong quirk!"
We can't use our own quirk so a quirk that is strong is probably for the best, something that stops villains...
Bakugo: " quirk is strong."
Y/N: "So Todoroki what quirk do you want?"
Todoroki: "Something that isn't my flame quirk, I'm happy with anything."
He seemed to have a sad look in his eyes, even though his face stayed the same. I feel bad for him, he had to suffer through so much. I want to be friends so I can make him smile and laugh at least.
Y/N: "you can't just pick any quirk, it has to be one YOU want. Something that represents you and one you like as well as respect."
I smiled at him in hopes that he would pick a good quirk that he actually likes. He kept starring at me.
Todoroki: "..I think I'm going to need time to pick..."
Y/N: "It's fine, I think I'm going to need more time too... since it's a project can I get your phone numbers so we can pick a place to meet up?"
Todoroki: "Oh yes, mine is (123) Todo's#."
Bakugo: "Why would I give my number to shitty Y/N!"
Todoroki: "Bakugo this is for our school project do you want to get a good grade?"
Bakugo: "Tsk, Fine! Mine is (123) Baku's#, there happy icy hot."
Y/N: "Come on Bakugo stop pouting."
Bakugo was pouting, he was kinda forced to give us his number, it was kinda cute in a way. I smiled at them. Bakugo looked away, I guess he was mad we where in a group. We continued to talk about quirks till it was time to leave.
              I started to pack my things when Bakugo got up and was on his way out the door. I need to hurry or he might leave me. I shoved everything in backpack and was on my way out the door when I ran into Kirishima's chest. To my surprise it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It was soft and warm. I looked up and he was smiling at me. I pulled my face away and smiled awkwardly.
Y/N: "I'm so sorry Kirishima, I didn't see you coming. I apologize."
I was looking towards the ground.
Kirishima: "Haha. Don't worrry about it Y/N, I know it was an accident."
He was so nice and friendly.
Y/N: "I know this is going to sound weird but... do you do hand to hand combat?"
Kirishima: "Yes! How did you know? I tend to fight hand to hand combat."
I had forgotten about Bakugo, I was really into the conversation.
Y/N: "I kinda noticed from the build of your body and muscles. I actually know a bit of boxing. I hope we can have a chance to have a battle!"
Kirishima: "That would be amazing! I would love that!"
I was getting excited.
Y/N: "Can I touch your muscles, they looked so prominent."
Kirishima: "Sure, as long as I get to touch yours."
Y/N: "Sure, I don't mind."
I put my hand on Kirishima's arm and started to feel his muscles. Then the door slammed open, it was Bakugo and he started to stomp towards me. He grabbed my had and pulled me away from Kirishima and my back landed on his chest. I was surprised at what just had happened. Kirishima looked surprised as well. I looked up at Bakugo who was angry. I stared at him, even though he was angry he was still handsome.
Bakugo: "What the hell do you think your doing? I was waiting for you! You dumbass! Let's go!"
He kept pulling my hand.
Y/N: "waiting Bakugo. I was talking to Kirishima!"
Bakugo: "Didn't look like it."
I saw Kirishima just standing and looking at us. I waved at him to say goodbye. He waved bye with a smile. That's when I noticed a few people had seen what had happened. I was embarrassed. We where outside of the class room.
Y/N: "What do you mean we where talking about muscles?"
Bakugo: "That's not what it looked like. It looked like you where groping his arm! Do you like muscles that much!"
Y/N: "We where just feeling each other's muscles."
Bakugo: "So you like groping people with muscles!"
Y/N: "No, that's not it."
He took my hand and placed it on his chest. I could feel his chest muscles. It was hard but squishy at the same time. His body was warm. That's when I noticed I was really close to Bakugo and he kinda smelled like burnt sugar. It was nice.
Y/N: "Bakugo, you have nice muscles!"
I started to touch is arm, I could feel how defined his muscles where through the school uniform, it probably took him a long time to build them. I looked up and saw Bakugo had turned his head and his ears where red. I noticed he was embarrassed and stopped touching him. I pulled away.
Y/N: "We should head home, it's getting late."
Bakugo stared at me and continued to walk.
Bakugo: "...Yeah, ok let's go..."
We went home and we didn't really say anything, it was peaceful. He walked me to my front gate again. He was so respectful on his own way. I waited till I saw him go inside and then I headed inside.

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