Chapter 2: Arriving in Japan

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Heyo, if you have mad sit to here congrats. You can officially call yourself an og before my story blows up...I have hope...anyways these take me a while as I am making everything up on the spot but that's the only way I can write stories so yah. Enjoy dudes and dudettes.

My head pounded with thoughts so much so I can't remember them after thinking them. I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it to the front door. Remembering my keys were on the kitchen bench. I wandered out to the kitchen singing along to the song Pompeii that played in my headphones. Grabbing my keys I paused my soung as my father turned his head away from the computer sitting on the coffee table giving me a sad look.
"Your not going yet are you? It's 3 in the morning." I could tell he was trying to hold back tears, I mean I couldn't blame him, we didn't know when we would see eachother in person next. I walked over to him, practically jumping in his arms. I couldn't let go, I wouldn't let go, I didn't want to let go. This man was the first person in my life to believe in me, to care for me, to give me a change at life again, not that I knew that when I first met him. I was only 4 years old. He may not be my real father but he is the only man I will ever call father!
"I have to go...cant be late for my flight" i smiled barely keeping the tears in not that it mattered because he knew I was on the verge of balling my eyes out.
"It's in the best interest of the case. Besides I have to update to you once a month considering your the Head of the CIA remember." Reminding him of that small detail seemed to lift his spirits a tad. "Now off to bed! You need your beauty sleep for work tomorrow." He chuckled at my words. I placed a small kiss on his forehead and said my final goodbyes. I rolled my suitcase into the elevator, pressing to button to the ground floor. Un-pausing my music I turned it up all the way, music is therapy and it helps me concentrate. The elevator doors opened and I walked out suitcase in hand. Grabbing my keys out of my pocket I pressed the button to unlock my car door, a flash or orange lights brightened the room slightly, then returning back to the dim garage lighting. Chucking my luggage in the back seat of the car I walked around to the drivers door and hopped in. Immediately my phone connected to the Bluetooth speaker in my car, picking a playlist I sit my phone down on the passenger seat next to my backpack wich holds all my normal items I need on my flight. Turning the key in the ignition the car starts and soon enough I'm off on the almost empty highway headed towards the airport.

*Time skip to on the plane*

I opened my eyes, the view of the clouds being the first thing I see but within seconds that disappears and I can now see the city of Tokyo Japan. 'We must be landing soon.' I thought checking my phone only then realizing that my music was still playing, I paused it briefly reading 10:10pm (with different time zones it was kinda hard but I think I got it right👍) I should be in the airport itself by 10:30 as long as people traffic is good. Laying my head back I close my eyes listening to the heavy rain poor down for the rest of the ride.

Walking down the steps I throw my arms back to stretch. The fresh night air filling my lungs as the people around me rushed to get inside and out of the rain. I didn't mind the rain, it was calming and helped me concentrate. Inside the airport i collected my things. The smell of sweaty people flowed gracefully in the air like a calm river. I know you can't see air but I'm special, nah jokes, I just imagine it looks like that I guess. I managed to make it to the area when people hold out your name and pick you up, I don't know what its called or how it works, despite that I found myself walking towards a man with short black ruffled like hair. He looked to be around my age and he held a sign above his head reading 'Y/n y/l/n'. He must be that Matsuda guy the Chief told me about. He said to look out for either a man that looks to be in his late 40's with black slicked back hair along with grey streaks or a young man in his mind 20's with black hair that slightly draped over his eyes. To be honest I was hoping for the younger one, lucky me.
"Hey!" I shout, waving my hand towards the man. He notices me and seems to be in shock, like he doesn't believe that I'm y/n. Has he not seen a photo of me before? Did they not tell him I was a girl? Is he surprised because of how young I am?
"Hey...your Touta Matsuda right?" He just stares blankly at me as if his heart has stopped beating and he has died. WAIT. Is he dead?! Did Kira kill him?!!! I grab onto the man's shoulders and shake him until he finally moves. Phew, close call.
"Whoa, what was that for?"
"Well one you weren't answering me and two I thought you had died so I shook you to see if you would move. Anyways, it's nice to meet you, I'm y/n y/l/n." I held out my hand for him to shake, a slight blush appearing on his face and he held out his. Does this guy like me or something? He can't we just met! Shaking his hand I pull away asking him what we do now. It takes him a few seconds to answer but he leads me out of the airport and towards a metallic black limo.
"Whoa! Now this is a sick ride. How did you guys afford this?" I ask Matsuda.
"The Head of the CIA told us that you had to have the best of the best." He replied.
"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry, he's quite protective of me and always makes sure that I have the best time. There are personal reasons as to why he treats me that way. I hope he didn't ask too much"
"No not at all. The Chief asked for you to be here so we will take care of everything. We will drop you off at your hotel and in the morning ring this number to assure where you are going. You will be brought up to speed on the case and you are trusted to do your own job as well as the job to catch Kira, well at least act like your doing it if you don't know much. I think that's all the Chief told me to say." He finished writing down that number on a slip of paper and handed me the number I slid it in my bag and the rest of the ride was silent. It was akward silence or at least it wasn't for me. I was too focused on the city lights at night and all the things happening on the side walk. The world is a dangerous, cruel, unfair and just a living hell hole of a place but it puts a mask on and tricks everyone into thinking it's a happy, lively place. I guess those moments where yous we those lively places and meet this happy people are the moments you hold onto for when the real world is against you. I felt the limo pull up and all of a sudden there is a huge building in front of me. It looks as if it have over 20 floors and the entrance is bright with a red carpet running from the hotel door to my limit door. Suddenly somebody opens the door for me while somebody else gets my suitcase from the trunk. I turned to Matsuda and thanked him wished him a good night and that I'll see him tomorrow. With that I grabbed my bag that sat next to me and hopped out of the car, the man that held my door open shut it waving the limo off as another pulled up. I walked towards the hotel door I could hear the man who opened my door open another greeting a man named Ryuzaki. Walking in, I was handed my suitcase and directed to the front counter. (I understand you are now in Japan but we gon pretend everybody speaks English, good? Kay good.)
"How has your night been Miss?" The guy at the counter says as I'm headed towards him.
"Wonderful, I actually just arrived in Japan not long ago. Um, my room should be booked and payed for." The entrance door let out a slight ring indicating sombody just walked in as I finished speaking.
"Of course, what number was the room?" The man behind the counter asked as I search in my bag for the room number that was on the back of the slip of paper Matsuda gave me. Pulling it out of the bag I hold it up in the air happily before placing it on the counter.
"304...304...304..." The counter man repeated my room number numerous times while typing something into the computer. A sneeze comming from behind started me. I spun around to observe the situation. There was a man with grey hair and a mustache that almost went over his top lip but groomed perfectly. He wore sharp glasses and was dressed in a suit but he wasn't the one that caught my eye. There was a young male next to him looking to be around Matsuda's age. He had terrible posture and wore a long sleeved, baggy white shirt with jeans that bunched up at his feet, oh his feet, he had no shoes on. His hair was raven blue under the bright hotel lights and when he looked up at me I could see the dark bags under his huge eyes indicating that he hasn't slept much lately if not at all.
"Can I help you?" He asked with a blank face his, his tone was deep and graspy. It was kinda hot despite the fact that he looked like he just escaped a mental asylum. The old man next to him handed him a tissue as I began to speak.
"No I was just-"
"Miss, your room was booked but not played for..." The man trailed off. My eyes widened causing a concerned reaction from the old man but not the Ryuzaki guy. I spun around so fast I had to regain my balance before speaking.
"What do you mean it hasn't been played for? If it was booked surely it waspayed for?!" The man simply shook his head.
"Then what am I supposed to do? Sleep in the streets!"
"I'm sorry Miss, without your room being played for I legally can not allow you in the room." He looked genuinely sorry for me and wished he could do more but I guess this was a small part o the cruel side of the world. God this was embarresing, the two men be hind me must be laughing the heads off. I sighed and grabbed I suitcase handle walking off before I hear somebody yell out to me.The young man with raven hair spoke in a monotone voice.
"I'll pay for your room tonight so you have enough time to organise yourself and your payments. You can have the payments ready by tomorrow to continue paying for your room and to pay me back, sound good?" Anything sounded better than sleeping on the streets.
"Yes! Thank you so much. Your the best I will never forget you!" I ran up to him, practically throwing myself at him. He flinched as I juped at him, squeezing slightly, not enough to hurt him just enough to show gratitude. His stiffened body relaxed slightly before pushing me off. Yeah that would be weird for him, I wasn't really thinking.
"Sorry. I didn't think that through." He simply nodded at turned to the old man behind him.
"Watari, use the credit card to pay for the lady's room and bring her stuff upstairs to room 304 will you." I feel like he was ordering the man even though he asked but the Watari person simply nodded walking the counter. The raven haired man started to walk off towards the elevator. I followed him over, the elevator making a small ding noise before opening. Stepping inside, I turned around whatching the Watari man grab my suitcase and order some men to bring in other luggage and items before the doors shut. Now there was akward silence as there was nothing other than walls and buttons to observe.
"My room is 305. There will be a receipt sitting on your suitcase when we get to your room that will tell you the amount for the one night. In the morning you will go to the bank in the morning and get out whatever amount of money the room cost, cash only, out of or your account, or whatever. I want you to then put the money in an envelope and slide it under the door to my room. After that you are free to do what you have to do that day." He didn't stutter once, nor he look away from the elevator door. This man interested me for some reason. He wasn't like any other normal people. He seemed to lack emotion perhaps even human contact most of the time. Was he just extreamly kind or did he not know that most people don't pay for strangers rooms when they hear about how they can't pay. The elevator dinged once again while the doors opened.
"I understand. Thank you, again for paying for my room. It means so much." We were walking down the corridor, the man was slouched while walking, he seemed to suffer from really bad scoliosis. Turning a corner there were two rooms that stood out. One with a lonely suitcase in front of the door, the other didn't have a door in sight due to the luggage that was stacked around it even though there were men taking it inside already. How did they get up here so fast?! We walking towards the busy men stopping at my door. Sure enough there was a receipt sitting on my suitcase. How did he know that would be there?!
"Thank you for your co-operation Miss, I hope you enjoy your room." His voice, the same monotone as before. He started walking to his room where the Watari man stood waiting for him as the last of the luggage was taken in. I smiled at the old man, him returning a warm and welcoming smile before I turned to go into my room but stoped abruptly and looked back at him. The raven was now turned to face me as I went into my room as if to make sure I made it in safely.
"What's your name?" I ask. I never thought of asking before.
"Ryuzaki. Yours?"
"Y/-" I paused causing confused looks. I realized I have to use my alias here.
"Ayame, Ayame Ktoko."
"Nice meeting you...Miss Ktoko." I could see a small smile form on the young man's face as he walked inside, followed by Watari man who closed the door behind him.
"Nice meeting you too...Ryuzaki." I mumbled to myself, walking in the room and closing the door.

Just so you know I have never been on a plane let alone to an airport so I don't know what its like or what happenes, don't y'all come for me Kay? Hope you enjoyed!😘

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