Divied and conqure

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A/N: Hooray you made it this far in the story. If you been waiting for an update, here it is. I had a writers block for the longest time. Along with that and my procrastination I had at least 3 moves and three different jobs in the last year and a half. So this chapter will be small. I do have a life outside of Wattpad, so I do not know when I will update next, but I  do have future characters in mind and think about this story often. I have point B, C, and D in mind and think about them often, but for right know I haven't figure out the how to get these points yet. If you read the author's note, good for you. If not, that is ok, I rarely read author notes of other people's stories anyways. Right now this chapter is just a filler for me other wise enjoy the chapter.
The next morning, the team went on their separate missions. Lance, Pidge and Papa went on a rescue mission with a lovely send off prank on Lance. While the were doing that, Keith and Hunk went on a retrieval mission. Coran went to the Olkari to help build a oversize teladev. Mama stayed on the ship with the triplets, little Shiro and Allura to obtain a balmarian Crystal.

While on the way to the Balmara, both little Shiro and Heather taught Allura Japanese and in return English and Altaen to Little Shiro. Allura pick up Japanese really fast while little Shiro struggled with English, but can read a little in both English and Altaen. Both Allura and Shiro quickly came to adore each other and became fast friends. In turn of being fast friends, they swap embarrassing stories about their families, but mostly of Heather and Papa Shiro.

Allura found out that Mama Heather have severe case of somniloquy. Meaning she talks in her sleep, and a lot in her case. Mainly her sleep talk is semi-entertaining, but full on conversations on most nights. One of Little Shiro's favorite and most weirdest sentience that Mama Heather said while sleeping was: 'It is so simple. We get the snow monkeys do the washing.' They both laugh and tease Mama Heather about the long forgotten dream about cleaning monkeys.

When they arrived at the Balmaria, The balmarians were surprise to meet the black paladins family. With the help of Heather, Allura was able to get an balmarian Crystal. Unfortunately, trouble found them with the reawakening of a defeated ro-beast. In the end things turn out for the better. And plans were finishing up after the ro-beast was defeated again.

Mama and Papa were meeting up to watch the sunset together. They both knew what ever going to happen with the battle ahead, it will be big. It seem it will be while until they be together in person.

"If anything happens make sure we all grow." Papa Shiro said. "I know it will be hard, but let the kids grow and learn."

"I know Taka. It will be hard if anything happens, but be strong where ever you may end up." Heather replied hugging her husband while watching the sunset.

They stayed like that for a few quite moments. Heather laugh softly at the others on the balcony below. Something that she did not catch was said that got Keith irritated.
"You have done a wonderful job, working with these kids." Heather complimented. " wished that these kids were not pulled in a war to protect countless children like them."

"I wish that they do not have the burden of war as well" Papa said before kissing her on the forehead. "But life is not always kind. You know that better than most."

"I know, but it is not always easy. And it will never will be, especially when your love ones are in the fray." She replied. "Just be careful for me ok?"

"I will try my daffodil. Just promise me that you and the boys do the same." He respond.

"That is all I ask and I'll do my best." Heather said with a weary smile.

"You always do."

With that they went to join the others before the battle with Zarkon. The enjoyable calm and peace that they had small, but needed. That calm and peace did not last very long. It ended when the battle started at Zarkon's central command. It was a hard for all, but they succeeded. Voltron barely won the battle against Zarkon, but at a coast on both sides.

Zarkon was was severely wounded, while Papa Shiro was physically missing. Even though Mama Heather mostly knew where her husband was, it did not make it any less hard on her and little Shiro. This battle was a grate victory that is overshadowed by sorrow for their missing black paladin.

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