Dear y/n,

              I'm so glad to hear that you can come. Arthur will be picking you up in a flying car at around 10 o'clock (when the muggles are sleeping, so they can't see the car). Can't wait to meet you. -Molly W.

              She seems so nice. I can't wait to meet her too.

                                      *Skip to when Arthur comes to pick you up*

              Arthur drives up to your window. He knocks on the window so you know he's there because your curtains are closed.

              You open your curtains and your window. You get your trunk and Arthur says, "Let me turn the car so you can put your trunk in the back."

              "Okay," you say.

              You put your trunk in the back and take your owl and get in the car. Arthur then drives away.

              "Thank you Mr. Weasley," you say.

              "No problem. We're all happy to have you coming, and Harry too of course," Arthur says.

              "I'm not forcing you guys to have me stay over am I?" you ask.

              "No, of course not. We love to have guests over," Arthur says.

              Arthur drives off and goes somewhere.

              "Where are we going?" you ask.

              "We have to pick up Harry too," Arthur says.

              "Oh, I thought he was already at your house," you say.

              "No, he isn't" Arthur says.

              A few minutes later Arthur gets to Harry's house. He droves up to Harry's bedroom window and you see Harry standing at the window, waiting for you guys.

              Harry opens his window and takes his trunk and also puts it in the back. He takes Hedwig and gets in the car.

              "Hello Mr. Weasley. Hi y/n," Harry says.

              "Good to see you Harry," Arthur says.

              "Hey Harry," you say.

                                             *Skip to when you all get to The Burrow*

              You arrive at The Burrow and Harry taps you on the shoulder to wake yo up because you fell asleep on him on the way here. You wake up and Harry says, "y/n, we're here."

              You look at Harry with tired eyes and say, "We're here? Already?"

              "Yeah, look," Harry says, pointing at The Burrow.

              "Oh, wow. It looks awesome," you say, "What time is it?"

              "It's seven o'clock in the morning, I think," Harry answers.

              "I'm so tired. I didn't get any sleep last night. I was so nervous about meeting everyone."

              "Oh, well, uh...we have to go inside. Maybe after you meet everyone and we all talk for a little while maybe...we can cuddle together in mine and Ron's shared room?"

              "Okay, but, that won't be rude will it?"

              "No, I don't think so."

              "Alright, well, let's go in, they're probably wondering what's taking us so long."

              You and Harry get out of the car and you and Harry get your owls and your trunks out of the car. You both walk into The Burrow and see Molly in the kitchen cooking a big breakfast.

              Molly turns to the door to see you and Harry standing there.

              "Oh, hello dear. It's so good to finally meet you," Molly says, walking over to you.

              You shake Molly's hand and say, with a smile, "It's good to meet you too."

              Molly turns to face and says, "Hello Harry!"

              "Hello Mrs. Weasley," Harry says.

              Molly goes back to cooking breakfast and says, "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."

                                                            *A few minutes*

              "Breakfast is ready!" Molly yells.

              Then you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You and Harry get out of bed and go downstairs to see Ron, Fred, George, Ginny and Arthur sitting at the table with Molly serving everyone.

              You and Harry sit down at the table and start to eat breakfast.

                                                            *Skip to the night*

              You are cuddling with Harry in Ron and Harry's shared room near the window. You see a figure just standing in the field outside the house just staring at you. You look closely and you see that it's your brother, William.

              You turn to look at Harry and say, "I'm sorry Harry. I have to go."

              "Where are yo-" Harry starts.

              You immediately leave. You go outside, where you saw William standing, but he's not there anymore.

              "Why are you here?!" you yell, "What do you want?!"

              William comes out of the field and says, "You didn't obey what Lord Voldemort told you to he sent me to come and deal with you."

              William takes out his wand and says, "Avada Kedavra!"

              You quickly dodge out of the way. Harry sees you and William fighting outside and runs outside.

              " would really hurt me? I'm your sister/brother/sibling," you say, with tears coming down your face.

              "I was told to do so!" William says, "Avada Kedavra!"

              "Expelliarmus!" you yell.

              You run into the field to try and hide from William. William follows you into the field. Then out of nowhere William comes out from the left side and cuts your arm with something and one the leg, hoping it will be deep enough so it will kill you.

              "AHHH!" you yell.

              "Y/N!" Harry yells, running towards you.

              William vanishes after black smoke surrounds him. You collapse just as Harry runs up to you and yells, "Y/n! Stay with me!"

              You close your eyes and everything goes black.

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