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Drums were beaten slowly and rhythmically, highlighting a ritual that has existed far before your birth. It was becoming colder these passing days, summers end greeting a small village resting within the gigantic mountain. This is where you found yourself: chained and walking hazily up the freezing mountain.

Only mere hours before, you were sitting cozily within your home; quarreling with family members about dinner, and laughing with the small children near. Now, those same people watched you heading for your demise. The same sweet adolescents eagerly noticed you being pulled by force, your feet going numb without any protection against the cold.

This was how it had always been; the last time a ritual was completed, was when you were a mere babe. Now, it was your turn to face the same fate of the last oblation: death. The winters had gotten worse, crops began taking months to grow past their regular date, harvests being less and less, people dying from unknown sicknesses; the folk within your town assumed these punishments had to be from a god angry at them.

You personally, believed it to be the work of poor observation. Times were changing, the world was progressing while your little village was stuck in the past. No god was angry, if that was true, why didn't the celestial being just wipe out the village?

You had little time to dwell on such things as the metal clinked against your feet, its icy feel not bothering you anymore. At this point, your feet were probably useless, the blood flow no longer reaching them.

You still held a long stick in hand; It was the only thing that was tying you down to the present, stopping you from shutting down. The elders tricked you, they must have! It looked shorter than all the other sticks, so of course you'd grab that one; any fool who chose the longest stick knew of a becoming death.

But no, like a fool, you naively chose the shortest looking one, thinking it would live up to its height. Instead, it did the opposite. You were opposed to the drawing, but with everyone in the village insisting on it, how could you opt out? Surely if you spoke of your distaste, they would send you to die without depending on the sticks. Not like that mattered now.

The drums continued to hum, their deep sound resonating off of the stone mountain and dying trees. Like a miracle, snow began to fall. You didn't notice it until a small snowflake landed onto your nose.

Continuing your hesitant walking, a loud shriek within the distance shook you out of your wits.

Despite the shriek, nothing followed. No loud tumble, or cry, just the inhuman scream bouncing off the terrain. People from the village far behind you cried out, their fear apparent. It made you grin, hoping whatever was going to devour you, would soon devour them as well. It satisfied you knowing you wouldn't be enough of a meal. At least in the afterlife you'd get some sort of revenge.

The gleaming fire of torches flicked within the branches, communicating that the village people were nearing you. Their leader Miirad, an elderly woman, grabbed the long chain connecting your hands and feet harshly.

"Come my child, we must not be late." She murmured, continuing to ramble amongst herself. She was a crazy old bat; constantly mumbling to herself and praying. You didn't understand why the village people still held her as a leader! Clearly she was out of her mind by now.

The god you would be sacrificed to was named Cadmus; an all powerful ice beast. Miirad would continuously speak of his glory, and handsome human form. By far, you could tell he was her favorite. Of course, no one has ever actually SEEN the supposed god, but tales of his fury and wrathful ice abilities shook the town. They didn't need proof to sacrifice people in the mountains and leave them to die, much to your dismay.

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