20. Edinburgh

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Nervousness coiled around Hongjoong's heart like a tightly wound spring all day long. Even when he went home after his long talk with San about his responsibilities and where they crossed into an intimate territory, he found no rest. Nothing that the TV offered was enough to distract Hongjoong from his anxiety. He pondered multiple times to watch some gory B-rated horror movie and exchange his dread for something far more basic and spookier. Since this was about Seonghwa, however, he refrained from it.

After many hours of feeding into his unsolved migraine by only worrying more and more, it was time for Hongjoong to drive back to work. He hoped that Seonghwa would have some answers for him. Or at least, that their date night would resolve some of his tension and worries.

As he tugged his jacket over his shoulders, Hongjoong read through the newest messages in their group chat. San had written something about leaving his papers on Jongho's desk since the man wasn't in currently. Then, with a crying emoji attached, he had asked where Mingi was and complained that nobody was there to say bye to him.

Everybody had read the message. Nobody cared to reply.

With a snicker at San's dramatic reaction, Hongjoong left the house.

The thick ceiling of clouds in the sky had been impenetrable ever since the morning. Now, faint rain had added to it that thrummed on the windscreen of Hongjoong's car. He watched the raindrops race down the glass whenever he halted at a red light.

Their office building was empty and cold. Hongjoong climbed the groaning stairs without pausing on the second floor since there was nobody to greet, anyway. Once he had set down his bag in the chair and started the PC, Hongjoong collected his thoughts. Staring outside into the bleak weather of autumn, the world felt muted and numb. Barely any people were outside. Nobody around for Hongjoong to pretend that they shared worse stories than he did.

Tonight, Seonghwa fell asleep on time. It took him a while to get ready and enter his nightmare. During the entire time, Hongjoong stood at the table impatiently and thrummed his fingers on the surface.

The moment Seonghwa's nightmare dawned upon him, Hongjoong sprung to his feet. Seonghwa was still at home, but he had dreamed up Yeosang already.

Hongjoong tried to hurry while in limbo. He knew Seonghwa would appreciate it if he dressed prettily for him, but he couldn't help the restless quiver of his hands. Any time between their meeting and the current moment stretched to eternity, and Hongjoong was tempted to leave some of his prettiness where it was to hasten to his tormented dreamer quicker.

Still, he forced himself to practise patience. He brushed his fingers through his hair, getting it in form and out of his forehead. Piercings decorated his ears all over and matched the two necklaces dangling around his neck. One was the one with the metal dreamcatcher dangling from it.

Hongjoong went for the artsy and cool style. He put on some clothes he had actually reformed himself in real life in the few hours he had between work, gaming, and getting annoyed by San. Heavy black boots, baggy pants in the same colour, and a white shirt with several symbols and slogans painted over it. In addition, the black jacket he had sprinkled with silver- and gold-coloured specks.

As for presents, he took a single red rose and a bag of Seonghwa's favourite cookies he had seen him snack on back in one of his first dreams, together with Hongjoong.

His concern for Seonghwa gradually made space for a pre-date shyness. Hongjoong checked his hair a dozen times, and he also went through the hassle of putting on strawberry flavoured chapstick. He was about to switch over to Seonghwa's dream when he remembered he had to take his gun. After some struggle, he put a leather harness around his upper body that kept the gun safely stored at his ribs.

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