"Where?" Leon says

"The store where else" I say

"How you gonna get there" Leon asked

"I'll just run there remember I have super speed" I say

"Oh yeah forgot" Leon says

"I'm get you cloths to" I say

"Ok" Leon says

As he said that I ran out the room and got to the store that took some time to find. I grab clothes for me and Leon and a toothbrush and toothpaste since we haven't been able to wash our teeth for a couple of days. I grabbed a bag to put all the stuff in and ran out the store without paying since I don't have yen. All I have is USA dollars. It's not like they can see me anyway. I was moving too fast for their eyes to see even though they have powers. I get back to the hotel with all the stuff.

"Well that was fast" Leon says

"How long was I gone" I asked

"About 10 minutes" Leon says

"Hey it would have been 5 if I known where the store was" I say in defense

"Sure" Leon says

"I got you some clothes and a toothbrush and paste" I say handing him his bag of stuff

"Thanks" He says

"No problem" I say

"Well I'm taking my shower" I say going into the bathroom

"OK!" I hear him yell

I take off my clothes and turn on the water to warm. I got inside the shower and grabbed the body wash that I stole from the store and started washing myself until my body was all cleaned up. I grabbed some shampoo that I stole from the store and started washing my hair until all the grease and dirt was out. As I got done, I turned off the water and got out watching all of the water drain from the tub. I grabbed my towel that I also stole from the store and started drying myself. I get down drying myself leaving my hair wet.I grab some black pajamas and put them on. I grabbed my dirty clothes and put them in another bag. I grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste that was also in my bag and started brushing my teeth, as I was brushing my teeth. I hear knocking at the door. I get done brushing my teeth after 3 minutes. I grabbed my stuff and went out of the bathroom to see the person at the desk flirting with Leon again. I could see that Leon was not interested in her at all, when will this whore take a hint that he doesn't like her. They apparently heard me open the door. They both turned to me, Leon gave me this look and said thank god that you're here this bitch won't stop talking.I look at her to see that she's giving me this disgusted face. I just smirked at her though. I looked at Leon and said "Leon you can use the shower now I'm done".

"Ok" He says walking to get his stuff and going into the bathroom

I went up to the door and looked at her and slammed the door in her face. If I hear a complaint from her I'll just say that she's harassing my friend. I would kill her, but that would be suspicious. I turn on the TV to the news.


30 minutes later


Leon finally got out of the bathroom and sitted on the bed watching the news with me. To be honest there wasn't even anything good on the news, until a couple minutes later. We see some green haired boy with emerald eyes, named Izuku Midoriya WANTED. He was about 15 years old. It said that he was a UA traitor.

"Woah, woah, woah this kid is the UA traitor?, What is UA" Leon says

"I don't know probably a school or something" I say

As I say that a picture of a school comes up on the screen that says UA in big letters.

"Apparently he escape" Leon says

"Good" I say

"Hey do you think that kid ok" Leon asked

"No" I say

"Do you want to find him" Leon asked me

"Yeah" I say

"Do you think that somebody found him" Leon asked

"If they do I hope it's somebody we know" I say

"What if Wesker had him" Leon says

"He would be fine, then since Al promise me he wouldn't experiment on kids anymore since Lisa Trevor and because I'm able to get pregnant" I say

"How you figure that out" Leon says

"He told me, when I gave him samples of the virus" I say

"Oh" Leon says

"So are you thinking of ever having a child" Leon ask me

"Maybe,but don't tell Al that" I say

"Why not-" I cut him off

"Well look at the time it's 10:00 P.M. Let's get some sleep. I know you're tired since well I'm tired too.

I turn off the TV and go to the couch grabbing some clovers from the bag. I go to the couch and lay down. I see Leon turn off the lights.

"Well goodnight" Leon says

"Goodnight" I say

After I say that I fall asleep. To my dismay I ended up dreaming of Wesker. Dammit.


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