Chapter 2

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It was now Valentine's Day baldi if course was nervous, he had a card confessing how he felt about ken 'I hope he accepts me' baldi put he card on kens desk and walked back to class.

~~~Kenneth's pov~~~

I was finished monitoring the halls I seen baldi "hey baldi how are you" I spoke in a happy voice he seemed nervous "oh I uhhhhh....I-I have to go" and with that he ran off 'odd' I was confused but went back to my office.

After I looked at my desk I seen a envelope "huh?" I picked it up it read - to Kenneth from baldi- cute~ i opened it to see a card it looked homemade "I didn't know he was this creative" I looked at the note it read

Hey Kenneth

I really wanted to tell you something but I was always to nervous, so ummmm I-i always had a little...wait no a huge crush on you and I uhhhh wanted to know if you like me back, it's ok if you don't I'll understand well I have to go later.

Love baldi~

I smiled at the note 'I'll tell him after lunch in his class, I want to surprise everyone especially baldi~'

-time skip to after lunch-

~~~baldis pov~~~

I looked in my mail box I didn't expect much was full 'w-what?' I seen cards and chocolates I smiled at this because it was the first time people thought of me on Valentine's Day, the student came back to class they were all  happy "so do you like our gifts?" They spoke in unison "of course I do" I used my usual peppy voice.

Class went on but the principal came in "hey baldi I have something to tell you"
"Huh?" I was nervous I thought I was in trouble until he walked up to me and kissed me "OHMYGODYASSSSSSSSSSSS" "I SHIP IT SO FUCKING HARD" everyone was screaming some girls got anime nose bleeds, I on the other hand was mentally screaming.


Oml I'm sorry for the short chapter I usually love making longer ones but I was being so god damn lazy I'll work on more later sorry ;-; I'm a lazy piece of shit

But I love you all

Ok this is a little edit but I forgot to ask what y'all want in the next chapter just tell me in the comments


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