I'm Home

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Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or this story.

Previously: The group wonders if the ninth Shifter and the Coordinate are the same. Connie and Sasha worry for their families.


[Trost District]

An overhead shot of the city appeared.

Connie felt disappointed and impatient, but also somewhat relieved. Much as he wanted to know what happened to his village, he was also nervous about it.

"Commander Pixis!" A man yelled, running into the room. Inside the office, Pixis sat behind his desk with a piece of paper in hand. Anka, Hannes, and two other Garrison soldiers were also present. "Titans have been spotted!" His words were met with startled looks. "Wall Rose has been breached!"

Pixis's expression became serious. "Hmm."

"Do you think there are other Shifters on the island besides Eren's...uncle? Relative?" Jean thought out loud. "Then again, that would be a total of seven out of nine Shifters on this island."

"If I was in charge, I wouldn't leave myself undefended and without at least one Shifter at home," Mikasa said. "But we'll see." She could at least see them keeping the War Hammer Titan back so they had a Shifter to protect them. According to Ymir, the Cart Titan was not a combatant-type. Seems useless to keep her back to protect the country.


[Stohess District]

It was nighttime and soldiers walked around with torches in the large courtyard, horses neighing.

"What the hell does all this mean?" Eren placed the 3D gear against the side and took a spot beside Mikasa. "Damn it!"

"But…" Armin approached the wagon they were in. "Would Titans break Walls with Titans in them?"

"It's happened before. They busted the Wall into our city."

Erwin's thoughts turned to a comment Candy had made during the first episode last time, implying Titans had breached the Walls once before the breach in 845. We never got an answer to that. He was convinced his father's theory of the Royal Government erasing humanity's memories had something to do with it. Maybe it would be revealed later.

"That was a gate."

"Armin?" Mikasa spoke up. "What are you saying?"

"The thing about the Walls… There's no crevices between the rocks or any signs of cracking. We can't really tell how they're made. So what if they're made of hardened Titan skin? It must be pretty versatile if Annie can encase herself."

"Titans…in the Wall…" Eren muttered.

"Can you do it?" Sasha asked Ymir. "Crystallize your skin like Annie can?"

Somehow, Ymir doubted it. "I don't know. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I can't."

"No harm in at least giving it a shot," Hange said.

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