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That morning, Alpha, Io and Kairi came to visit Ken at the hospital.

"You're good, bro?" asked Alpha.

"I guess so" replied Ken.

"Sorry for what happened to you, Ken-kun" said Io.

"Well, things happened, Io-san" replied Ken.

"Don't you remember who did this to you?" asked Kairi.

"No. I don't see his face" replied Ken.

"Maybe it's Ouja" said Alpha.

"Babe, don't be such a prejudice" replied Io.

"That's true. Ouja-kun is a nice guy. There's no way he did it" said Kairi.

"After what he did in NXT this few weeks, I had a doubt about him" replied Ken. Then suddenly, Hariz came in.

"What do you want, pervert?" asked Kairi but Hariz ignored him.

"You're good, Ken?" asked Hariz.

"Still hurt but yeah, I'm good" replied Ken.

"I expecting no less than that from The Last Samurai himself" said Hariz.

"I thought you already left though" replied Ken.

"I'm leaving today actually" said Hariz.

"When was the last time you're back home?" asked Alpha.

"Around last week. Anyway, I need to go now. Have a flight to catch" said Hariz.

"Where are you going?" asked Io but Hariz ignored her.

"Really? But aren't you just came here?"  asked Alpha.

"Well, I normally didn't stay long in one place" replied Hariz.

"You really wandering around, huh" said Ken.

"And make a lot of money too. And most importantly, I didn't get accused doing sexual harrasment anymore" replied Hariz.

"Still act like you're innocence, huh" said Kairi but again, she was ignored.

"Besides, wandering made me bolder sometimes" said Hariz then.

"Good for you, bro" said Alpha.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys again in the future. Take care and watch your back" replied Hariz.

"You too, bro" said Ken. Then, Hariz bumped fist with Ken and Alpha before walked away.

"Did he just ignored us?" asked Kairi.

"Yes, he did. He didn't even looking at us" replied Io.

"Well, he just got trust issue towards the ladies now" said Alpha.

"What did ladies did to him?" asked Kairi.

"Well, you accused him as a pervert just now, right? I guess that's what all ladies called him nowadays" replied Ken.

"But that's the truth after what he did to Cassie" said Io.

"But none of us ever see it, right?" asked Alpha.

"That's true" replied Ken.

"You boys just back him up because he's your friend" said Kairi.

"Not really. I know him for years. He never being that kind of guy" replied Alpha.

"All of us better watch our back. Who knows who's next" said Ken.

"Seriously, boys. Why do you believe in him so much?" asked Kairi.