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Coal. A noun which is perceived as hard, sunken, and flammable. Innacurate however except for the flammable part. What a misnomer for the love of my life. I never thought our awkward start would lead to this forest fire.

I met my Cole in middle school. God, it was so awkward. I couldn't tell if we liked each other or if everyone wanted us to be together. I know it was only because he was the only guy taller than me at the time. Even still, we were cute. He was cute. Cole was older which explains the height. Though it doesnt explain his intelligence, or rather his lack there of. Stupid cole. The ability you have to turn my head at the sound of your voice. The way our eyes lock in a vast crowd. The power you have to flush my face of all shades of red at once. Stupid, stupid cole. I don't know if i can handle you yet. i'm overtook with ambition with this opportunity to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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