Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Spirit Animals series.

5 years later...


"I hate history!" A very exhausted Rollan exclaimed to Abeke as he sat down on the bench beside her at the cafeteria.

The two had just finished their last class of the morning, and, as usual, Abeke had to listen to her friend's rants about how despicable their geography teacher, Mr. Dorian was.

"He's just a miserable old runt! He only shows us these maps that are like, ten million years old! I don't understand half his lectures!" Rollan continued in a loud voice while waving his arms dramatically in the air.

"Well, I do," Irtike interrupted, pointing her spoon at Rollan in the air.

"That's you!" Rollan crossed his arms in a pout.

"Ahem, ahem..."

Rollan's eyes widened in fear at the familiar voice coming directly behind his chair.

"Uh, hi, Mom. N-nice weather out there, don't you think...?" Rollan's voice petered out as he chuckled nervously at Aidana. The math teacher glared mischievously at her son.

"Oh, darling. A junior knows more than you do. Go buy a brain," she said with a chuckle as Irtike and Abeke held on to their stomachs in barely controlled laughter.

Rollan grumbled inaudible words to himself and pulled out his newly repaired journal as he watched his mother disappear into the teachers' office.

"Oh, what are you doing with that journal again??? It's lunch!!" Abeke said as she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Hmph! I can't rant without being caught by Mom, you two just laugh at me, so I'll just have to write to her," Rollan spread out his arms, accidentally hitting Irtike's forearm as he drew a wide arc around him.

Both two girls gave the journal a weird look. "You still don't know her name, right?" Irtike asked Rollan.

"Nah, neither does Abeke. Our two soulmates seem to be pretty careful about personal information," Rollan said dejectedly, playing with his cereal. Suddenly, he pulled out his pen with a determined expression and started to write furiously on the journal.

Abeke watched the scene unfold with a glimmer of amusement in her brown eyes. "What are you doing now?" she asked again.

"I'm gonna learn geography from this girl!" Rollan exclaimed energetically, pointing at the journal with the tip of his pen.

"Say, how do you even know the person behind this whole journal thing is a girl?" Irtike wondered while munching on her salad.

Rollan looked at the her with mock rage clear in his eyes.

"Take a look at this beautiful handwriting!!! You see?!?! No boy would have this kind of handwriting!!!!" he shook the completely blank page of the journal in front of Irtike's face, far too close for her liking, then returned to writing.

"I do have to agree with that, though. Rollan's handwriting was never as good as that," Abeke piped up, but only got a swing from Rollan's journal and heard Irtike's laugh halfway cut through as she accidentally spat out her water.


"Hey, Conor, look!" Meilin leaned across her table and showed her journal, which had hastily written words appearing slowly on the pages, to Conor.

The Euran boy wiped his mouth on a napkin before turning to his friend with curiosity brimming in his eyes.

"He... he wants..." Conor squinted his eyes as he attempted to decipher the squiggly writing. "He wants you to tutor him in geography?!" Conor said incredulously.

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