Chapter 1: Ophelia's Birthday

Start from the beginning

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school" she complained to me

"Yea, baby you do have to go" I told her softly

"Why, mommy" she whined

"Get up, Roni" I told her

"I don't want to" she said to me still whining

"Please get up Veronica" I pleaded with her

"NO!" She tiredly yelled

"Veronica, I will get your father" I told her

She gave me no answer.

"Okay, I'm going to get your father to wake you up now" I told her seriously

Still no answer. I walk out of her room and back into the kitchen to James.

"Veronica isn't getting up and is arguing with me about not wanting to go to school" I told him about Veronica

"Okay, I'll go get Roni and talk to her" he said to me

"Okay, I'm going to go see if Mekai is up for school" I told him

"Alright" he replied

We both walked to the bedrooms.

I knock on Mekai's door and he yells "I'm up mom"

"Okay" I replied

I walk back into the kitchen to make Ophelia her birthday breakfast which is made for everyone.

I'm making eggs, French toast, bacon, sausage, fruit salad, homemade potatoes, and some small homemade breakfast pizzas (healthy).

While I'm making breakfast, I hear Veronica and James going back and forth with each other about the school problem. We all know Roni is going to cave in since she's such a daddy's girl.

*Time- 7:00 AM*

James walks back into the kitchen and stands behind me, wrapping his arms around me while putting his chin on my shoulder leaving kisses on my neck. "Mmm" I let out of pleasure. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck leaning into him.

"So?" I asked him

"She's getting dressed" he told me

I nod my head, saying "alright"

I unwrap my arms from around his neck and go back to cooking but while I walk away, he slaps my ass with a laugh.

All the kids come out into the kitchen and sits down at the table to eat breakfast. Ophelia came in with Jade on her hip.

"Oh my baby girl" I gushed to Jade

"Mama mama" Jade said in her baby voice

Ophelia handed Jade over to me after she was making grabby hands at me. She's on my hip now laying her head on my shoulder while putting her hand kind of underneath my shirt on top of one of my boobs, like she always does when she's still tired or tired in general.

I kiss her head and then I sit down to eat breakfast before dropping everyone off to school.

"So am I picking everyone up from school or you guys getting a ride from one of your friends?" I asked Ophelia and Mekai

"I'm riding with Alicia" Ophelia told me as a reply

"You" Mekai responded to me with food in his mouth

"You're disgusting" Nico said to him with a disgusted face

"Nico, that's not nice to say" I told him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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