Chapter 3

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You couldn't believe your eyes as the door got opened, to your surprise, needless to say. What you saw could only come from a fairy tale. A Lady in a white dress. A large hat enthroned on her head. She must have been 9 feet tall, if you had to take a good guess.

Her yellow eyes seemed to pierce right through your soul as she stared down at you, holding her pipe in her left hand.

You were startled and took a step back, letting your eyes meet hers. "I ... apologize to disturb you at this hour-" You stopped, looking back over your shoulder into the darkness before letting your eyes meet hers again. You took a deep breath. "I'm a traveler, searching for a place to stay overnight."

The tall woman raised an eyebrow, awaiting either a question or more explanation. "If you would be so kind to let me stay overnight, I promise to leave as soon as the sun rises." You then added, assuming that being inside a castle with a 9 feet tall Lady was better than being outside with those... monsters.

Silence took over and for a minute you thought you had to search for a good place to survive the night. Till... a smile formed on her cherry lips. She stepped aside, leaving room for you to pass by and step inside. "Welcome to house Dimitrescu." She welcomed you in a gentle voice.

Surprised but also happy you nodded slightly, thanking her in a way. You stepped into the castle as your eyes widened. You couldn't believe how beautiful the entrance already was.

The door got closed with a loud sound, which startled you for a second. Your eyes wandered around as the tall Woman seemed to get closer. You turned around, suprised at how close she got. As you took a step back, you looked up to her, realizing you didn't tell her your name yet.

"Ah, I apologize for not introducing myself! I'm Y/N!" You held your hand out, a gesture of politeness. It took a minute before she did the same, taking your hand. You knew she was tall but you still were surprised that her hand was way bigger than yours. "Alcina Dimitrescu." She shook your hand.

Just as you were about to let go of her hand, a kind of humming appeared behind you. You turned around, seeing swarms of flies coming closer. You watched them and were sure you were hallucinating as you saw, how the swarms of flies turned into three women, each having a sickle in their hand. "New prey!" The first one said in excitement. She had black hair.

"Wha-" You were sure that you were officially losing your mind. You stepped back and it took you by surprise as you stepped against someone, realizing that Alcina Dimitrescu was still behind you. You looked up, noticing that she as well looked down at you. She placed her hands on your shoulders and held you in place.

"My daughters. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela." She introduced them.

A unique Lovestory (Lady Dimitrescu x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now