CHAPTER 1 (PT2) (updated)

Start from the beginning

Mako: "Okay maybe you're correct, your personality is way to admiring, but at the same time, brave as well."

???: "So what are you talking about kids?" "leaning against the wall"

"the squad got the chills through their body as they were spooked"

"Mako: "Oh! Heh, Principal Stone, what are you doing here?" "was nervous" "sweet goes down on his face and Amaya sweet dropped as well"

Principal Stone: "Well I'm here is to ask some questions to Kai about this caught footage right here." "shows scene with tablet as Kai fighting Lance and his teammates"

Mako and Amaya: "gulped"

Kai: "was speechless what he's seeing"

Principal Stone: "Oh Mako and Amaya please, leave us be." "said it nicely"

Mako and Amaya: "nodded" "they walked away from them leaving them alone"

Mako: "I hope Principal Stone isn't extremely angry about Kai."

Amaya: "It's obvious Mako, Kai just broked a rule in Hiro High."

Mako: "Sorry, I'm just so afraid about what their conversation's gonna turn out."

"back to Kai P.O.V"

Kai: "Uh... Look I can explain-" "cut off by the principal smacking his head" "Ow?!"

Principal Stone: "yells" "I'm very much dissapointed and wasn't unexpecting your behavior to be like this, "then stops yelling" don't worry I'm not going to be strict about this disscusion "sighs" "Well at least demonstrate why you did this personally today?" "waiting for his answer"

Kai: "Um... "doesn't know how he is going to response to his question" It's kinda hard to clarify this but... I had said this to my friends once but it may be unreal for you to believe when I said this." "was unsure what he is going to tell him"

Principal Stone: "putting hands on hip" "Go on, I'm listening Mr. Tadashi." "raises eyebrow in concern"

Kai: "So there are some weird things happening to me lately." "said it slowly"

Principal Stone: "Mhm?" "nodded"

Kai: "And I got for some reason that I got skillful and stronger? I don't know how to still define it so... myself is... moving on It's own, automatically... "this was so painful to write sorry :("

Principal Stone: "I see Mr. Tadashi, I understand why you're explanation is absolutely confusing." "was confused too"

Kai: "I know It's hard to believe my words, Sir."

Principal Stone: "It's okay Mr. Tadashi, you don't need to say anything, you can go now. But! If you pull out that behavior again I will give you a saturday detention!, understood?"

Kai: "Yes Sir!" "bows quickly"

"After a few minutes of interrogation Kai went back to his friends"

Amaya: "So what happen to your conversation between Principal Stone?"

Kai: "Well it didn't turn out to be arguing, just a normal talk with Principal Stone."

Mako: "Sighs in relief" "I'm glad though."

Kai: "So what? you're acting sensitive again?" "smirks"

Mako: "Wha- No! Of course not!" "shouts at Kai" "looks away"

Amaya: "giggles"

Kai: "notices the place was empty" Oh right, we should probably better get going. See ya in class!" "starts running"

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