
Coming back home, both twins are tired and wants nothing more than to just lie on bed and sleep until God knows when. Atsumu quickly calls for the shower, feeling all sweaty while Osamu went to the kitchen to heat up their dinner. He always prefers to set everything up before showering, a complete opposite from his twin. When Atsumu stepped out, Osamu took the towel from him and stepped in the shower,. Atsumu then began making ginseng tea, something new he's been addicted to lately.

Minutes later, Osamu came out with tiny water drops dripping onto his shoulder blades. His pink nightgown getting wet. Atsumu quickly took the towel and dried his head, all the while mumbling and nagging.

"Ya should at least dry yer head properly, you'll catch a cold, ya know?" Atsumu said in a disapproving tone.

"I'm sorry, mommy"

And just like that he's smiling already, he loves it when Osamu calls him mommy. A special moment only to be acknowledged by them. At first Osamu was quite nervous, scared Atsumu will think differently of his twin. But how could  he, when Osamu is saying that with his large puppy eyes. His blue orbs hyptonizing.

"I just don't want ya to catch a cold, baby girl." He softens his voice and kisses his forehead.

"Let's eat, I'm starving already. Might mistake ya for the food, when yer smelling this good"

Osamu just giggles while Atsumu brings the ginseng tea and their dinner from kitchen counter to their dining table.

Soon, both finished their dinner and went to bed. Fatigue overtaking their body, wanting nothing more than to collapse on their bed. Atsumu switched off the lights and snuggled closer to Osamu, giving him forehead kisses.
Osamu being the little baby he his, is tucked under Atsumu's chin and kisses his chest instead.

"Goodnight, Samu-chan"

"Goodnight, Tsumu-nii"

And both of them drifted off, snuggling closer with legs intertwined.

4th October

It's the eve before their birthday. And this year, Atsumu wants it to be extra perfect, his twin deserves only the best after all.

"Ah, there you are, Setter-kun" a voice called out behind him.

Atsumu turned around and met with former captain of Aoba Johsai. His light brown hair is styled the same as always, if not, slightly disshelved.

"Guess there was something important to attend first, Oikawa-san"

Oikawa just laughed at the comment, being obviously caught red handed.

"Well, Iwa-chan surely knows how to distract me, and you can't blame me either. You better be grateful I settled down with a just heavy make out because a certain someone was very impatient"

Oikawa then gave a key to Atsumu, grinning nonetheless.

"The house is all yours, please just don't break anything"

"The only one I'm planning to break is Samu-chan"

"Very well then, I hope it goes well as planned. If that's all, I wanna go get railed. Byee~"

Atsumu shook hands with Oikawa and both parted ways. Atsumu almost felt giddy thinking about next day. He really can't wait.

5th October

The clock strikes twelve and Atsumu pulled Osamu closer and kissed his forehead, whispering happy birthday. Osamu stirred in his sleep but Atsumu quickly patted his sides, lulling him back to sleep. Today, he really wants to make his Samu-chan feel special.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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