Something About Love (Requested)

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PAIRING: Rosalie Hale x Female!reader
REQUESTED: @Izzywizzy501
SUMMARY: Rosalie falls in love with you, and is not sure on how to react to those feelings

You don't know what it was about her, but she seemed to hate you the most out of everyone in the entire school.

Rosalie Hale, the beautiful blonde women you'd see walking by in the halls of Forks High school. Her blonde silk hair seemingly to always bounce off her shoulders with every rhythm of each steps she takes. It seemed as though whenever she would get the opportunity, she would use it to make you feel nothing but hurt, worthless, and useless. Of course, she never meant them, she was just a very convincing person as you always have been a forgiving person. Sure her words hurt, but you tend to just let things go whether it be between you and her, or if it was having to do with someone else. The truth was, Rosalie was just very reluctant to come out and confess the true feelings she carried towards you, and she often found herself scolding herself for the things she said to you after school, alone in her room.

No matter what, she decided she would keep those feelings to herself. That promised was kept until a couple days later when she had witnessed something that made her skin crawl, making her feel like a volcano that was going to erupt any time now. What happened was during lunch, in the cafeteria, she watched as Kayla, one of the girls from the popular crowd walks up to you and "accidentally" slams herself into you as you were trying to carry your lunch tray over to your usual spot. The impact caused your lunch to splatter on the floor and some clung onto you.

"Sorry, my bad." She sneers while laughing as she walks away from you, but doesn't get very far as Rosalie suddenly steps in her way.

"What's your problem?" Kayla now sneers at Rose, Rose now earning her full undivided attention.

"You." She sneers back, but with much more venom in her tone of voice.

This was the first time anyone had made or seen Kayla flinch back away from anyone. She never got scared, as for not having met Rose yet, she now knows that Rose could just be as vicious and mean if she wanted to be or if anyone had given her any reason. With Kayla still frozen in place and from every eye in the cafeteria now watching intently, no one moves as Rose suddenly turns to face you and as she walks close up to you, she pulls you in.

The kiss was passionate but very sweet and sincere that you didn't hesitate to return it.

To you, there was no one else in the whole world but you and Rose. Sure some of the looks that you received were in disgust, but you had a fair share amount of looks that were filled with jealousy. After pulling away slowly, Rose turns back around to Kayla with a grin never before seen on her face before giving Kayla her final word.

"No one hurts my girl."



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