Chapter 1

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Tw: mention of self harm and parental abuse

         I wake up on Friday of June 11th. The day we get out of school for summer break. Time has seemed to fly by so fast the moment I turned 16. I get up and out of my bed hoping the scars from previous self harm would disappear so I could finally wear a tee shirt again and not feel like everyone was staring, Sadly they were still there. I had to wear an under shirt. again. I put on a plain neon green shirt and over top of it I put on a black pierce the veil shirt, pair of tight, black ripped jeans, and two studded belts hung around my hips. Along with that I put a few kandi bracelets on my wrists and did my hair the classic emo boy style. I guess my style is a bit of a mix between scene and emo. 

            I leave my messy room to find my dad on the couch eating breakfast. "Morning
y/n"Says my dad. He is usually nice but he yells at me and he once hit me. but he is nice and I love him. Mostly anyways... Plus he buys me cool stuff so how could I hate him. Ya ya I'm a stereotypical "emo" kid that self harms and has daddy issues shut up.

             I grab a muffin for breakfast real quick and head off to catch the school bus. Me and my dad had just moved into a new house in this place called "nockfell county". It's a cool place I guess. Doesn't seem that bad aside from the huge ass church. I always found it a little obnoxious how many churches there were all over oregon. I used to live in oregon and there were like two or three church's every town. Maybe more. And now I live like right by this giant ass one that blocks out the sun?! That's some bullshit. I'm not even religious. I'm literally gay I have a pride pin on my bag no fucking way I'm Christian or ever will be. I was raised on Christianity by my grandmother when I was younger and I kinda had it forced down my throat until I decided I was my own person and was gonna do whatever the fuck I wanted, so I became atheist. As I'm walking I head up to the bus stop and sit down where the stop is and start eating my muffin. It's lemon poppyseed. It's not that bad but I have had better from Costco.

Editors note: costco muffins actually be bussin tho

         As I'm eating my muffin a few of my friends come up to the stop to wait with me. Sal and Larry walk up to the bus stop along with Another kid named Travis. I wouldn't say me and Travis are friends but were not really enemy's either. Sure he bully's me and my friends to umm... an extent but I can tell his home life is hard. It's not just that he bully's us and people who bully others are usually going through something but it's also the way he acts. Whenever I see him and his dad at the supermarket or something, Travis looks kinda scared of his dad. He is also almost always covered in bruises, and sometimes cuts. It's sad. I feel bad for him. I feel really sympathetic towards him. I have never really felt like this before. I tell myself I just want to be his friend and I just think he deserves better which... he does deserve better but I kinda think I have a crush on him. He already beats me for being gay tho so I don't think that would go over well with him.

         "Hey y/n" says sal. Sal is a nice boy with blue long hair he draws up into pigtails, a black shirt, and red ripped jeans. Another interesting thing to note about sal is that he has a prosthetic face made of porcelain. He says something happened to his face but he never talks about it. "Hey sal" I say. "How's it been man?" Asks Larry. Larry is a tall boy with long brown hair, a sanity's fall shirt, and grey jeans with a chain on them. Their both really nice. their some of my best friends. Sal and Larry sit to the right of me, while Travis sits to the left of me. I don't know why he is sitting by me cause I kinda thought he hated me but whatever. "Hey sit somewhere else dude your killing the vibe." Says Larry. "Hey give him a break sure he's a bully but you don't know what goes on with him at home so chill." I say. "Alright but if he hurts you or sal again I'm gonna beat his ass back." Says Larry angrily.

       I can recognize when other people are being abused. I can just tell I guess. It's like a gaydar but you can sense when someone has abusive parents or something instead of being able to sense when someone's gay. However I was kind of getting the gay vibes from him to. I'm probably wrong tho after all his dad is the minister of that giant ass church I was talking about earlier. The bus arrives and when I get on the bus sal and Larry sit next to each other and I sit down the seat across them. Me, Larry and sal start talking.

         Larry starts the conversation off about this new sanity's fall song he is in love with. "If I could marry a song this would be it" he says. I laugh a bit. Me and my friends continue talking. I eventually end up putting in my headphones and listening to my playlist.

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