Chapter 2

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It was just a dream, of course.

You looked over your room, a ray of light shines from your blinds.

Was it already morning?

A weird dream that was, you still couldn't forget that boy, and his companion.

You wished to draw him down, you wanted to know more about him, hoping you'd see him again.

Even after he probably killed you with his bomb, you were intrigued with him.

It doesn't make any sense, you weren't the type to be so focused about a dream, but this dream was different, like there's some sort of meaning? You were committed to learn about what it was, along with that performer guy.

All this thinking made you forget the time, and just then you realized you had to go to school today.

A slight yawn escaped your lips, as you peeled the blanket from your legs, already missing the comfy warm bed you slept in. You lazily went to the bathroom to take a refreshing shower, still thinking about the boy named Popee. A Lot of things had confused you in that dream, and you wish to find answers, and explanations.

As I've said before, dreams aren't really important, are they? They're usually weird, and they don't make any sense. This one stood out.

Why did it feel so real? Why was it so good, and bad at the same time? Who was this Popee? Does this have connections with your life?

Trains of questions circled your head whilst you bathed, though the warm water did put you in slight ease, it felt really good.

Let's face it, warm water on a cold morning would really fit well.

Who would shower with cold water on a freezing day?

Does anyone even do that?

Anyway, you twisted the knob, turning it off. Grabbing a dry towel from the metal bars on your wall, you began drying yourself, letting the water get absorbed in the soft towels.

You then grabbed your horrible uniform, sighing at the sight of it. You blamed your school for not even putting an effort on designing them. No point in complaining, not like it's gonna change anything anyway.

Letting out a hum, you then get ready to eat breakfast.

Maybe an omelette will do well? Or maybe a peanut butter sandwich, or bacon?

The thought of food made your stomach make noise, you only shrugged it off, and hurried to the kitchen.

Maybe you'll go with just bacon, and the omelette. Hah, classic. Then even make the sandwich your snack.

You began to turn on the stove, the clicking noises made you smile, it was oddly satisfying to hear. The fire then lit up, and you turned it to a low flame.

You gathered the ingredients before cooking, then you heard footsteps from the staircase, you turned to see your mother who had just woken up, but in her uniform.

"Sweetie? You're cooking?" She yawned, walking towards you, a little smile curled from the corner of your lips.

"I thought you wanted me to make you breakfast today." Your mom placed her hand on the counter.

You only laughed, giving her a small smile.

"Well, I woke up early, so I was thinking I'd do them as well. I can't let this time go to waste, mom." She looked at you with a really proud expression, ruffling your hair as you continued to cook breakfast.

"Thank you, hun." She kissed your head, and went upstairs in a hurry, you didn't have time to ask her what she'll do, so you just stayed with your work.

She rushed back, and gave you a small box. "Here, open it." her voice was so gentle, it gave you comfort.

"Oh, what is this?" You put the spatula down, and looked at your mother in curiosity.

"A gift, only for my amazing daughter. I'm so proud of you." Seeing her smile, made you take the box, and open it.

"A ring?" You scoffed at her, a little surprised. You weren't really fond of jewelry.

"Yes, a ring. It would look really pretty on you." she held your hands.

You sighed at her, a weak smile on your face. "Mom, you know I don't really like jewelry, right?"

"I know that, but this one's really pretty. It reminds me of that time a boy from my class gave this to me, and told me that one day he'll marry me." You giggled at her silly response.

"Dad?" You continued to cook, adding a little salt on the egg.

"Mhm, it was your dad." You couldn't help grit your teeth, the little story made you cringe, and happy at the same time.

"Uh, I'm not sure I'll even marry someone, or even like anyone at all! you know how people are these days." You rolled your eyes, while your mother only hummed in response.

"Well, you'll never know." She moved away from the counter

"You might just fall in love with someone, without even realizing it."

"That's just stupid, mom." Cringing at the thought of love, You placed the meal on your plate and on your mother's, and served them to the wooden table.

"Who would I even fall in love with?"

The bell rang, and you hurriedly made your way to your classroom, hoping you weren't too late.

Opening the classroom's door, you sighed in relief that you made it just in time.

Your friend waved at you to sit next to them, and you walked over to the seat.

"It's a surprise you weren't late this time." They laughed

"Well, I woke up earlier than usual." You said, putting your bag on the floor to get your things.

"Also, I had a dream, I wanted to talk to you about it, aren't you overly-obsessed with magic, and unusual stuff?" You asked, still rummaging through your things, not batting an eye on your offended friend.

"That hurts, but yeah I like crazy stuff I guess?" They leaned in closer to you, and you finally found your sketchpad.

"So, Y/n."

"Tell me about that dream."

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